Home » today » Business » Lancia Delta Integrale is back on the road but without one of the features that made it famous

Lancia Delta Integrale is back on the road but without one of the features that made it famous

Its characteristic roar that made it famous on the tracks of one of the most famous competitions in the world could be silent on this new version. Will the purists like it? Unlikely but we like it.

Welcome to another chapter in the “vintage cars that switch to electric” saga. You were not aware of this interesting trend exploded in recent months? Get comfortable, it’s time for an update. For some time now, numerous British and American manufacturers have started a singular and interesting process: that of modernizing historic cars with a decidedly substantial “transplant”.

Lancia Delta Integrale (Topgear)

Houses like the American one Zelectric they have begun to specialize in particular – and expensive – heart transplants that transform gasoline-powered cars from the past into modern, quiet, eco-friendly cars that certainly don’t risk being sanctioned in the ever-less distant future for their harmful emissions.

An electric motor brings various benefits but what happens if you touch the engine of a car that has practically become famous thanks to its typical roar on dirt tracks all over the planet? Sure, this creation will anger purists but it is our job to find out thoroughly before giving a verdict. We present to you something truly unthinkable.

Shut up and good

Definitely remember the Lancia Delta Evo, a car that really needs no introduction. With its 16v engine and over 200 horsepower, the Lancia Delta was able to clinch six world titles WRC in a row, an undertaking that has never been achieved by any other car lined up in the most important world championship for rally enthusiasts.

Lancia Top Gear 12_05_2022 Quattromania
A Lancia Delta Evo from GCK (Top Gear)

Now, generally a creation like that of the Green Corp Connection French exhibits several advantages. An electric car obviously consumes less, even if finding a charging station may not be easy, it has a burning acceleration compared to its petrol counterpart and pollutes less. In this case, however, the GCK has made electric a car that is already quite fast in itself. And this fact that we can’t hear the Delta’s engine roar… well, that’s not the best, let’s face it.

The conversion made by the GCK however apparently concerns only cars in bad condition of conservation that are restored and substantially modified through the addition of an engine powered by a 30kw lithium battery capable of providing a range of about 200 kilometers. Certainly not a screaming autonomy.

For now, the GCK has announced the conversion of about forty units into this configuration. The price? Available on request but we doubt it will go below 200,000 euros, given the amount requested from other houses for similar operations. If we like it? We should try it. For the moment, we are torn: the purists, on the other hand, will already be on a war footing.

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