Home » today » Health » Lancet study is “a big scam”, for Andréa Bescond

Lancet study is “a big scam”, for Andréa Bescond

You are a doctor, and when the Covid-19 crisis froze France, you continued your activity because it is your oath, you did not even hesitate. You applied Professor Raoult’s protocol of combining hydroxychloroquine with an antibiotic in the early stages of the disease. And you got an idea of ​​its effectiveness and its tolerance. Curbing a pandemic with existing drugs is unexpected!

But on March 3, 2020, a decree limits the prescription of doctors of hydroxychloroquine following the recommendations of the High Council of Health. So there, you no longer understand anything. Why suddenly hydroxychloroquine becomes dangerous, toxic and unfit, while the drug has spent decades in our various prescriptions? There is bound to be a reliable reason.

You await the results of the various studies, but you will realize that they were carried out without respecting the protocol of Professor Raoult, like for example prescriptions in second phase of the disease, dosages not respected or a non association with the antibiotic, thus putting in check the treatment.

You and your colleagues, you therefore decide to propose to the Minister of Health Olivier Véran to conduct a study among 1,000 sick doctors of Covid-19, who would precisely apply Professor Raoult’s protocol. But no. There will be four requests which will lead to four refusals.

Turning on May 22

Then on May 22, the very serious medical journal The Lancet publishes results from Surgisphère: negative results on the use of hydroxychloroquine which has led WHO to suspend clinical trials on the drug worldwide.

This company has worked with researchers such as .. I would have liked to tell you, but they deleted everything from their website. But beware, we cannot question a study conducted on the data of 96,000 patients in 1,200 hospitals in 46 countries in record time by … eleven employees of Surgisphère. Only eleven.

We can reasonably say that this is a big scam. Especially since their silence is deafening and that several of the authors of the study are parading today. After this monumental waste of time, would it be possible to carry out a real study on this associated hydroxychloroquine? Which should be remembered that it was on sale until January 15, 2020 at the price of: 4 euros and 26 cents. But who benefits from all of this?

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