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Lampra Health Office records 163 cases of dengue in 2022

Officers conduct tarnishing in North Lampung. Lamppost.co/Fajar Nofitra

Kotabumi (Lampost.co) – Cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) in North Lampung regency reached 163 cases in 2022. Of these, 3 died.

“We are continuing to make various efforts to reduce the increase in dengue cases,” said the head of Lampura’s health service (Dinkes), Mata Natalia Manan on Monday 2 January 2023.

The efforts made were the eradication of mosquito nests (PSN) by puskesmas and then spraying/fogging with focus plus. “As well as the advice of every officer in the field,” she said.

Previously, most cases occurred in September 2022, i.e. 47 cases. The infected people have been spread to 7 sub-districts, namely Kotabumi Selatan, Kotabumi Utara, Bukitkemuning, Abung Timur and Tanjungraja sub-districts.


Deni Zulniyadi

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