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Lamentin water users in molokoi operation

They come from Acajou, Acajou Prolongé, Palmiste, Long-Pré, Jeanne-d’Arc, Basse-Gondeau and even Morne-Pavillon. Their common point: they have been without water for several weeks and they say stop to this precarious situation. These residents of the Lament neighborhoods are exhausted and they want to be heard. They travel in two lines, leaving the third free for traffic. The watchword is not blocking, but a meaningful gene.

There were several dozen this Wednesday morning (May 20, 2020) gathered in Acajou in Lamentin. They left the premises at 6:10 am, towards the premises of the CACEM in Fort-de-France, then Odyssi. The demonstrators stopped each time. The terminus is planned at Le Lamentin, at the headquarters of the SME at Place d’Armes.

“We have to make our voices heard, because only we suffer from this situation. So, BE MANY, with our horns, warnings, and 2 bottles of water hung on the vehicles, to make us heard by Odyssi, SME, elected officials (CACEM, Espace Sud, Mairie du Lamentin) and the State, who leave us alone, without real stable and lasting solutions, in this period of pandemic. “, Explains the collective

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