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Lamela Selso’s Apology “Regret and Sorry”

[엑스포츠뉴스 김희웅 인턴기자] corona19 Eric Lamela and Giovanni Lo Selso bowed to the party after breaking the quarantine guidelines..

Many local media in the UK 2Work(Korean time) Ahead of the Tottenham Hotspur and Leeds United game, Lamela and Rosso have announced their participation in the party.. Together with teammate Sergio Regilon and West Ham’s Manuel Ranzini.

Currently the UK is Corona19Is suffering from measles. Cumulative number of confirmed cases 254Ten thousand, Only one day confirmed 5The trend is increasing by 10,000 people.. There is also a mutant virus, which is having a tougher time than any other country..

In the meantime, the fact of the party was discovered, The club also expressed disappointment.. Tottenham in an official statement Some players family, I was very disappointed at having a Christmas party with my friends, Criticize stronglyAnd said.

Lamela, the subject of criticism, is social media(SNS)Through the I am deeply regretting the decision I made on Christmas, I want to apologize. I understand the impact of my actions on others. Knowing that you disappointed people, embarrassed. We sincerely thank those who work for our safetyAnd repented of his actions..

Lamela-Ro Selso's Apology “Regret and Sorry”

Rosselso too SNSon I want to apologize to everyone. I really regret it. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who works hard to keep us all safe.. I will do everything I can to set an example in the futureI repented saying.

Meanwhile, they are corona19 Rumors have circulated that he has been confirmed.. However, no official announcement has yet been made, Whether it is confirmed or not has not been confirmed..

[email protected] / Photo=PA Images/yunhap news/Giovanni Law Selso SNS

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