Lambaréné, October 2, 2023 (AGP) – The Lambaréné Medical Research Center (CERMEL) officially launched the Master in Biology and Infection Control, this Monday in Lambaréné, in the provincial capital of Moyen-Ogooué, with the theme “Transdisciplinary approach to combat infectious diseases in Central Africa”, and in collaboration with the University of Tubingen, CAIDERA and USTM.
The launch of the training program is part of the history of bilateral relations between Gabon and Germany. This is a first in terms of offering adapted training in Central Africa and teaching in Gabon.
”This research alliance on infectious diseases and epidemics in Central Africa, CAIDERA, has been funded since May 2021 as part of the DAD program. The project establishes a training and research program on viral, bacterial and parasitic infectious diseases, those that are emerging and re-emerging. School and university education is also one of the fundamental areas of our bilateral relations,” indicated the Ambassador of the Republic of Germany, Horst Gruner.
The governor of the Middle Ogooué province, Abdu Razzaq Guy Kambogo, was delighted with the prominent place his province occupies.
”As the ocean is fed by numerous streams and rivers, science is fueled by numerous research centers, universities, laboratories, etc. We are proud to count, today, among these sources of nourishment of the great ocean that is scientific education and better your institution is established in Lambaréné in the heart of Gabon,” he said.
Before emphasizing that the city of Lambaréné is no longer just the crossroads of Gabon. Because it is gradually becoming the crossroads of science, particularly medicine.
”I measure the scope of the act of cooperation that you are taking, because there is no wealth except in man. And, when you have strategic cooperation in a field as strategic as medicine and health, especially when you make the effort through financing, through support to come and establish yourself in the heart of the resource, we can only be happy and welcome this cooperation and the ever-increasing level of development,” he rejoiced.
For his part, the representative of the Minister of Health, Dr Armel Minsta, indicated that it is good to remember that during the corona virus epidemic, CERMEL was the first laboratory which carried out the sequencing capable of identifying the strains to Covid which were circulating in Gabon.
”This epidemic allowed the government to note the shortcomings in the treatment of infectious medical biology diseases in terms of equipment, human resources and laboratory governance. The Gabonese government has taken steps to improve the situation. This doctoral school will enable our country to increase the supply of human resources and better qualified people to better control all matters relating to infectious diseases,” he declared.