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Lam Dong: Breaking the network of using the money underworld to deceive and sell fake money

(PLO) – 14 people in Bao Loc Town who use underworld money to deceive and sell counterfeit money on a large scale have just been arrested by the police.

On August 4, Bao Loc City Police, Lam Dong Division said 14 people were arrested explore about fraudulent possession of property.

The police arrested several exhibits when they were investigating 4 places in the group that were selling counterfeit money at the same time.

Among the 14 people who were charged and detained, the Police Department – Bao Loc City Police identified Pham Minh Thanh (26 years old, living in Ward 1, Bao Loc City), Tran Hoai Tien (32 years old, living in Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City), Nguyen Hoai Tam (24 years old, living in Loc Ngai commune, Bao Lam district), Nguyen Huu Nghia (34 years old, living in Loc Son ward, Bao Loc city) and To Hoang Bao Thuy (24 years old). old, living in the Loc Nga society, Bao Loc city) is the main group and the leader scam line This.

According to the investigation, in order to commit property fraud, the above persons created virtual Facebook accounts. This group then hires to run ads to create high interaction for advertising sell counterfeit money and find people to buy to commit fraud.

Parcels are delivered everywhere via express post offices.

Types of denominations exchanged through counterfeit currency transactions include: 200,000 real currency = 5 million counterfeit currency; 250,000 real coins = 10 million fake coins; 300,000 real coins = 15 million fake coins; 400,000 real coins = 16 million fake coins and 450,000 real coins = 22 million fake coins.

When ordering counterfeit moneycustomers do not need to deposit money, but only need to provide a number telephone and delivery address.

City Police chief Bao Loc said the subjects were advertisements sell counterfeit moneybut when the package was delivered to the customer, it did not contain counterfeit money, but only items such as deodorant powder, cement powder or pre-world.

The mastermind group used money from the real world to scam selling counterfeit money.

Specifically, when a customer orders counterfeit money, this group hires people to pack the paper boxes into small packages. Then put deodorizing powder and packed cement inside the box and then cut a hole and insert a sample of underground currency with a face value of 200,000 VND.

From these packages, the group of scammers who sell fake money send goods to delivery post offices to customers who buy fake money without checking the goods first.

In about 6 months, this line successfully delivered more than 23,000 orders nationwide and brought in more than 6 billion VND.

Orders successfully delivered by the subjects made up about 30% of the delivered orders.

In early June, during the work of understanding the situation and the people’s criminal denial information about the above fake currency sales group, criminal investigators – Bao Loc City Police got involved and identified the fraud ring with very clever and cunning tricks.

According to Bao Loc City Police leaders, realizing the seriousness of the crime of counterfeit property with sophisticated tricks and tactics, Bao Loc City police leaders have directed the establishment of a special project to fight.

Specimens of hell money are used by criminals to fraudulently sell counterfeit money.

The role of the Criminal Policing Team is to be the lead force that co-ordinates with professional teams and ward and community policing to gather information. a documentevidence to help solve the case.

After collecting documents and evidence, on July 24th, Bao Loc City police leaders ordered the Project Team to be divided into 4 prongs and move dozens of officers and soldiers to attack 4 locations at the same time time

Research group has clarified the fraudulent possession of 14 related subjects, of which 5 have instituted actions for fraudulent possession.

Bao Loc City Police is coordinating with Lam Dong Provincial Police to extract relevant data to serve the investigation.

Investigating 4 locations, the search party seized many related exhibits, including: 1 car, 1 motor, 15 desktop computers, 10 ATM and visa cards, 19 mobile phones, 8 phone sims. The police also seized many bags containing hell money with a face value of 200,000 VND and many carton boxes containing deodorizing active ingredients and packaged cement.

If the police inform you about the victim, please contact the Bao Loc City Police at 206A Huynh Thuc Khang Street (Ward 2, Bao Loc City) telephone number: 02633.865.466 to provide information and conduct a physical examination serve case.

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