New Delhi. A big news came on Friday quoting CBI sources in the case of Land for Job scam. The investigating agency is going to interrogate about a dozen Railway employees and officers next week. This interrogation will take place at the CBI headquarters in Delhi. CBI has called about a dozen employees for questioning between 21 and 25 November. Former Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav is also under suspicion in the present case.
According to sources, all the railway personnel called for questioning work in Sonpur and Barauni divisions of Bihar. Questions and answers will be asked to these people in the case of job in exchange for land. The people who have been called for questioning are employees of the mechanical department of the Railways. Of these, nine are working in Sonpur and one in Barauni Junction. The land-for-job scam is related to railway recruitment between the years 2004-2009. According to the FIR registered by CBI, Lalu Prasad Yadav, who was the Railway Minister in the UPA government, is accused of giving jobs in exchange for land. According to CBI, it is alleged that Lalu Prasad Yadav had got the land registered in the name of himself and his family members in exchange for giving them a job.
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Serious allegations against the company registered at Lalu’s address
The registered address of the company named Katyal AK Infosystems Private Limited is D-1088, New Friends Colony, New Delhi, which is the residence of Lalu Prasad Yadav and his family members. The agency alleged that the said company had acquired a land belonging to the candidates on behalf of Lalu Prasad. It is said that after the land acquisition, the shares of the said company were transferred to the family members of Lalu Prasad in 2014. The company’s director’s premises were raided by the agency in March.
Tags: CBI, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Latest railway news, Railway News
FIRST PUBLISHED : November 17, 2023, 8:27 PM IST