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l’Alfàs Film Festival: first screenings of short films whose prizes will be awarded next Saturday

L’Alfàs del Pi is immersed in the cinema. The House of Culture hosts from this afternoon the screening of short films in competition on 34 Film Festival. This year, the organization has selected a total of 23 short films, from among the 921 presented. The high quality of the works in competition stands out, stories that surprise by the way they are told and from a wide variety of genres. There is a lot of social drama, as well as comedy, horror, suspense, thriller and even fantasy genre.

Short showings will be at 18 hours at the Casa de Cultura de l’Alfàs. This Monday, ‘Persona’, by Álvaro García Mohedano; ‘The whore’s chair’, by Mar Navarro; ‘Who’, by Carlos Martín; ‘Thorns’, by Iván Sáinz-Pardo; ‘The card’, by Xabi Vitoria; ‘Elsa’, by Albert Carbó, and ‘El semblante’, by Raúl Cerezo and Carlos Moriana.

The Tuesday the short films to be screened will be ‘Work it class!’, by Pol Diggler; ‘The rebellion of Bernarda’, by Jorge Pastor; ‘Paresia’, by Ignacio Lasierra; ‘Cristiano’, by Adan Pichardo; ‘A Interview’, by Fernando Tato and Susana Sampedro; ‘Trying’, by Juan Manuel Montilla; ‘On your behalf’, by Ana García Rico, and ‘Safe’, by Josema Roig.

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The jury of the Alfàs Film Festival with the mayor and the live of the contest. Vicente Martinez

The screening of short films in competition will end on wednesday with ‘Imaginario’, by Cristian Beteta; ‘Table for 3’, by Álvaro G. Company and Meka Ribera; ‘God save you Maria’, by Julie-Estel Soard and Noelia Fluxá; ‘Bifronte’, by Josemari Martínez; ‘Blanco ne mente’, by Ana de Alva; ‘To return home’, by Ariadna Pastor; ‘7 doses of dopamine’, by Virginia Rodríguez, and ‘Suelta’, by Javier Pereira.

all these works opt for the Faro de Plata, the award granted by the Film Festival of l’Alfàs del Pi. In addition, as in previous editions, the winning short will be able to compete for the Goya Awards in the category of Best National Fiction Short Film, since the Spanish Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences has chosen the l’Alfàs del Pi to make the preselection of candidates.

For him Thursday, July 7, a selection of short films out of competition has been scheduled and for him Friday, 8, The Valencian short films that opt ​​for the new award created this year by the Festival will be screened.

This is one of the national short film competitions that greatest amount in prizes allocated to its competitive section, with a total of 8,000 euros. The Festival awards a first prize, endowed with 4,000 euros and Faro de Plata, a second prize of 2,000 euros and a third prize of 1,000 euros, to which this year is added a prize for the Best Valencian Short Film, which carries an economic endowment of 500 euros.

Likewise, the l’Alfàs Film Festival awards a prize for the Best Short Film directed by Women, in collaboration with the associations Footprints of Women and CIMA (Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media). The prize, endowed with 500 euros, is chosen among the films that compete in the official section. As in the rest of the Festival’s editions, awards are also given without financial endowment for Best Direction, Best Screenplay, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Photography.

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The prizes for the best short films will be awarded on Saturday at l’Alfàs. Vicente Martinez

The jury of the Festival in charge of deciding the awards has met this weekend to deliberate. It is made up of Cecilia Gessa, actress, producer and director; Cristina Delgado, journalist and film critic; Cristina Gallego, actress; Nuria Cidoncha, delegate in the Valencian Community of CIMA, and Chechu León, director of the Festival Octubre en Corto.

The jury in charge of failing the award for Best Valencian Short Film, in which people with close ties to the province of Alicante are integrated, such as the actresses Cristina Alcázar and Paloma López and the film critic Augusto González. The mayor of l’Alfàs, Vicente Arques, and the director of the Film Festival, Luis Larrodera, came to greet them. The Prizes will be awarded next Saturday, July 9during the course of the closing gala, which will be presented by the actress Carolina Noriega.

The 34th Alfàs del Pi Film Festival is being held from July 2 to 10. A contest whose main mission is to promote cinema made in Spain and, especially, Spanish short films. After 33 editions, the l’Alfàs del Pi Film Festival has brought together renowned actors and actresses, directors, producers, technicians and screenwriters from the national film scene in the municipality.

González-Sinde shows his work

Ángeles González Sinde, screenwriter, director, former Minister of Culture and former president of the Film Academy, winner of a Silver Lighthouse at the l’Alfàs del Pi Film and Short Film Festival, has presented at the Cine Roma his latest film ‘El Comensal’, an adaptation of Gabriela Ybarra’s novel about the murder of her grandfather by ETA, which has just been released at the end of May.

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González-Sinde premieres his film in l’Alfàs. Vicente Martinez

The film by Ángeles González Sinde brings to the cinema the book by Gabriela Ybarra, published in 2015, a novel about the consequences of terrorism, where the author starts from her mother’s death from cancer in 2011 and from kidnapping and murder of his grandfatherby ETA in 1977, the politician and businessman Xavier Ybarra. A story made into a film by Ángeles González Sinde, starred by SUsana Abaitua, Guinness Garcia Millan, Adriana Ozores and Fernando Oyaguezwhich has the participation of RTVE.

The director wanted to adapt the novel to the cinema, among other reasons because she liked the book a lot, and because it touches on topics that are very familiar to her and have to do with her own biography, not only because since she was a child she lived with the existence of ETA but also because of the issue of loss.

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