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Lalendorf fire department receives money for new equipment house

It was an important step in the right direction for the Lalendorf firefighters, says fire chief Marcus Melms. State Secretary Wolfgang Schmülling handed over the special needs allocation from the State Ministry of the Interior in the amount of 649,600 euros to the local fire department on Friday. This will be used to complete the first construction phase in the new fire station at the train station.

Repair pits must be filled

“Expansion, conversion and extension,” says fire chief Melms in brief. This is still the construction phase of the halls, which used to belong to a truck repair company. “The pits in which the trucks were repaired from below have to be filled,” explains Melms. In addition, the social wing with sanitary and changing rooms is to be set up in the rear area of ​​the halls. The construction contracts are now being put out to tender.

Money is needed to prepare the halls for the needs of the firefighters. With around 650,000 euros from the state and 160,000 euros from the district, about half of the 1.6 million euros construction costs have been raised. “The rest is covered by the municipality, that is already anchored in the budget,” says Melms. The site was bought by the municipality of Lalendorf two years ago.

Possible move-in at the end of 2025

The fire chief hopes to be able to move into the new building completely by the end of 2025. 44 active comrades, 21 children and twelve youth firefighters, according to the current membership, as well as three vehicles will then be able to prepare for operations in the fire station. “The already paved outdoor areas offer the best conditions for the fire department,” says deputy local fire chief Karsten Vick.

The area around the future fire station in Lalendorf. (Photo: Toni Cebulla)

The office building that has already been set up on the site, which is located further up, is to be expanded further in the interests of children and young people. “The strong increase in young people and the new fire station location promise a big boost for the fire department in Lalendorf,” says Marcus Melms.

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