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Lai Pinyu: Channel 99.6 belongs to the CCP Military Commission-Politics-Liberty Times Newsletter

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Legislator Lai Pinyu of the Democratic Progressive Party pointed out in a questioning of the Legislative Yuan’s interior affairs committee member today that some people complained to her. Driving through Hsinchu and Miaoli, they could not hear Taiwan’s local radio stations, but they could listen to Chinese radio stations. The content was all about the United Front against Taiwan, claiming We must take care of Taiwan youths as family members, and hope that Taiwan youths will go to China to start businesses. (Photo by reporter Chen Yufu)

[Reporter Chen Yufu/Taipei Report]China’s United Front Radio has invaded the entire station! Legislator Lai Pinyu of the Democratic Progressive Party pointed out in a questioning of the Internal Affairs Committee of the Legislative Yuan today that some people complained that when driving through Hsinchu and Miaoli, they could not hear Taiwan’s local radio stations, but they could listen to Chinese radio stations. Taiwan youths are taken care of as family members, and hope that Taiwan youths will go to China to start a business. Lai requested that countermeasures should be taken to prevent the infiltration of Chinese broadcasting. The chairman of the MAC, Qiu Taisan, promised to convene a meeting of relevant units within one month, and then report to the upper management to see how to deal with it.

Lai Pinyu pointed out that after receiving petitions from the public, she contacted NCC to inform them of the matter. NCC responded that Hsinchu and Miaoli are very close to Fujian, China, and may receive the frequency band of China Radio Station, and China will also receive Taiwan’s Broadcasting, this is the characteristic of radio. But it must be said that the NCC’s response is “nonsense”, which is basically a selective answer and the people of Tangsai.

Lai Pinyu emphasized that one of the channels, 99.6, is the China Huayi Broadcasting Company of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, which is affiliated to the Political Work Department of the Military Commission of the Communist Party of China. LOW, in 2021 China will set up another Huayi Broadcasting. After her investigation, it is not only the bamboo and seedlings that receive it, but the truth is that all counties and cities in Taiwan receive it, and it spans from AM to FM.

According to the information compiled by Lai Pinyu’s congressional office, currently Taiwan can receive China’s United Front Radio, the AM part includes the Voice of Taiwan Strait, China Southeast Broadcasting Corporation, Voice of the Straits News Broadcasting, Voice of China, Voice of the Straits Taiwanese Broadcasting, China Voice of China, Central People’s Broadcasting Station. The FM channel also has the Voice of the Straits news broadcast, the Voice of the Taiwan Strait, and the Taiwanese language broadcast of the Voice of the Straits, as well as Fujian Economic Radio, China Huayi Broadcasting Company, Minnan Voice, Fujian People’s Broadcasting Station, and Fujian Economic Radio.

Lai Pinyu criticized that the Voice of Taiwan Strait could still be heard in the congress office just now. The CCP’s broadcasting and united front against Taiwan, in addition to the Voice of Taiwan Strait established by China Central Broadcasting Corporation, there are also Southeast Broadcasting, Xiamen People’s Broadcasting Station, etc. These stations cover the whole station. It is set in an even number, and the purpose is to come to the vacancy of the Taiwan broadcasting channel. It is not a matter of frequency at all as NCC said.

She asked, these United Front contents with soft purposes actually affect Taiwan, and the MAC is the competent authority for China affairs, how should it respond to the United Front broadcast? Qiu Taisan said that he has indeed noticed that China is infiltrating Taiwan through the broadcasting system. There are probably two modes of this. The first is to directly transmit high-power broadcasts to Taiwan, and another Taiwan station is entrusted to broadcast or broadcast Chinese-produced If the content is produced and broadcast by Taiwanese operators, it will violate cross-strait regulations, and the Ministry of Culture will handle it, and NCC will also supervise it.

Qiu Taisan further explained that if it is the first situation, there has been discussion in the past whether to take a strong countermeasure, because Kinmen and Matsu have also been overthrown in the past, and Matsu has dealt with it.

Lai Pinyu criticized that this is a red united front. In the face of China’s cover-up of Taiwan, the relevant ministries and committees have a very negative attitude. For example, the Mainland Affairs Council said that Taiwan also broadcasts back. The CCP has a united front against Taiwan and is preparing to invade Taiwan, but Taiwan does not intend to invade China. After the launch of Voice of Taiwan Strait in 2021, the Mainland Affairs Council said it would discuss it at that time, but the national security issue cannot be delayed. The CCP’s united front is very serious, and the government must counter it in time.

Lai Pinyu suggested that to prevent the infiltration of Chinese broadcasting, the government should respond as soon as possible. The MAC should hold a cross-ministerial meeting within one month and review the amendments to the cross-strait people’s regulations. The NCC also needs to take stock of the frequencies of broadcasts of similar patterns across the country, and prevent cover-up or overfilling of stations on a technical level. The Ministry of Culture will also review the amendments to the licensing method for Chinese broadcasting.

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