There will be a new work of art at the head of the Wilhelminapier. Mayor Aboutaleb will officially open the work, L’Age d’Or (2019) by British visual artist Gavin Turk, on Sunday 20 June. During the opening, Art In Rotterdam Tours will test a ‘do it yourself’ art route.
art walking
After the opening, the Visual Arts & Public Space (BKOR) and Sculpture International Rotterdam (SIR) foundations will release this new art route. The route starts at Central Station and continues along the Wilhelminapier. The route has been devised to pay attention to a selection of works of art in the city.
L’Age d’Or van Gavin Turk
L’Age d’Or, the artwork of more than 3.5 meters high, is an open door of painted bronze and stands directly opposite the future FENIX Emigrants Museum. The door has been loaned by them to the international sculpture collection of the Municipality of Rotterdam and is managed by CBK Rotterdam.
L’Áge d’Or becomes part of the international sculpture collection Sculpture International Rotterdam and symbolizes hopes, dreams and opportunities as a door that is always open. Rotterdammers can literally step through the door after the openings.