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Lady Huawei, the arrests are golden: shopping, dinners and the gym

In China she is considered a princess, but also in Canada, where she has been under house arrest for two years, Meng Wanzhou it is treated as if it were. The 48-year-old luxury prisoner is the daughter of billionaire Ren Zhengfei, founder of the telecommunications giant, arrested in December 2018 in Vancouver at the request of the United States Huawei. Ms. Meng’s lawyers appealed to the judge last week to make their defense’s detention more accommodating. The judge will respond on January 29, but in the meantime the appeal has had the opposite effect in public opinion, because it has emerged how comfortably the business woman lives, served and revered, despite the boredom of having to wear an ankle. gps bracelet and the fact that it must be accompanied by an escort when it goes out. Owner of two luxury villas, one with seven bedrooms and a garden, Meng Wanzhou paid a $ 8 million bail to secure house arrest. And not only was she allowed to be joined in Vancouver by her husband and two children, one 12 and one 18, but she was also allowed to have guests at home, to regularly bring in a masseuse and a master of painting. She is also allowed to go out for walks in a large area of ​​the city. In addition, various luxury shops agree to close the rest of the clientele while you are shopping, to protect your privacy.


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However, the husband, Liu Xiaozong, asked that his wife be allowed to shoot alone, and complained to the judge that the continued presence of the guards intimidated the children, as well as exposing his wife to the risk of contagion of the covid. 19. Liu recalls that Meng suffered from thyroid cancer and has high blood pressure and is therefore considered “at higher risk”. The director of the company that provides the guards, who by court order are paid by Meng herself, however, turned the accusation back to the sender, arguing that if anything it is the couple who exposes its agents to greater risks: Wanzhou and Xiaozong, accuses Doug Maynard , not only hosted ten people for Christmas who did not belong to their controlled circle, but they also exchanged glasses and plates with the guests, “I certainly don’t want anyone to drink from my glass today!” The velvety treatment of the “princess” has outraged Canadians, who feel unfairly trapped in the middle of a dispute between the US and China. Two Canadian citizens were arrested in blatant retaliation immediately after Meng Wanzhou’s arrest. A businessman, Michael Spavor and a former diplomat, Michael Kovrig, were arrested on suspicion of spying. The Chinese authorities have presented no evidence of the guilt of the two men, and are detaining them in harsh conditions and in solitary confinement. While Ms. Meng lives in luxury and has her family by her side, the two Canadians were able to speak with relatives by phone this Christmas after two years of silence. In May last year, the appeal process began in Canada, in which the woman asked for the cancellation of the American arrest warrant, arguing that it was a political revenge. Since then, the lady has received threatening missives, some of which contained bullets, confirmed the head of the surveillance firm, Maynard. The next hearing is set for March 1st. The US accuses the businesswoman of defrauding four banks to get to do business with Iran, in violation of economic sanctions against the regime. A long trade struggle is ongoing between the United States and China that has not involved Canada so far. In particular, the US accuses Huawei of engaging in espionage for the Chinese government.

Last updated: 06:40

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