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Lady Gaga: – Unexpected turn

At the end of February was pop star Lady Gagas (35) dog sitter Ryan Fischer attacked while airing her three dogs. Two of the dogs were kidnapped, but returned shortly afterwards.

The police have now charged five people in the case, including the woman who returned the dogs, according to The Guardian.

The woman has claimed to the police that she was not involved in the kidnapping. It is also uncertain whether she has been paid the bounty of half a million dollars that Gaga promised.

Three of the five people are charged with robbery and attempted murder, and are linked to the case where the famous singer’s dog sitter was shot and robbed. The other two are said to have participated after the attack was carried out, according to the police.

FALL: During a concert in Las Vegas, Lady Gaga took a fan on stage. Maybe it was not so wise. Reporter: Marte Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV Photo: CNN
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The police believe that the crime was motivated by the value of Gaga’s dogs, and do not believe that the dog sitter was attacked because he worked for the pop star. According to Sky News, the police believe that the accused were not aware that the dogs had a known owner.

It is not yet known how the five will respond to the charges.

“The blood flowed”

It was in late February that Fischer was attacked by two people who shot him four times in the chest. Then they ran away and disappeared. The suspected perpetrators also kidnapped two of Gaga’s dogs, Koji and Gustavo.

The dog sitter was discharged from the hospital a little over a month after he was shot.

THROWN THE CLOTHES: Lady Gaga arrived in a pink dress – and undressed garment after garment, until she finally stood like that. Here with designer Brandon Maxwell. Photo: Angela Weiss / AFP. Video: CNN
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“Four days ago, while a car was driving away and my blood was dripping from my gunshot wound, an angel trotted over to me and lay down next to my body. My panic screams calmed down as I looked at her, despite the fact that I noticed that the blood that gathered around her little body was my own “, wrote Fischer from the hospital bed.

The two dogs that were stolen recovered two days after the attack. Then they were taken to a police station by the said woman who is now also charged.

Lady Gaga has not commented on the charges.

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