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Lady Gaga found her dogs, kidnapped three days earlier in Los Angeles

Koji and Gustav are safe and sound. Singer Lady Gaga has found her two French bulldogs after they were kidnapped on Wednesday evening, Los Angeles police said on Friday. The pop diva was promising a reward of $ 500,000 to anyone who would help her find them.

“Lady Gaga’s two dogs were handed over to a local police station, and found unharmed,” Los Angeles Police (LAPD) tweeted on Friday.

All’s well that ends well… Including Koji and Gustav’s dog-sitter. During the kidnapping on Wednesday, the two criminals shot Ryan Fischer, an employee of the singer who was walking the animals on a street in Los Angeles. The latter, injured, was hospitalized and his condition is now stabilized, the Los Angeles police said on Twitter.

The two animals were found by a woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, and who contacted the singer’s relatives, the LAPD said without revealing more details, a criminal investigation being underway. A third dog of the singer had fled during the assault but returned to the dog-sitter after the kidnapping of his two companions.

An animal friend diva

Lady Gaga is particularly attached to her dogs. They frequently accompany her to public events and of which she publishes photos on social networks.

“My heart is aching, and I pray that my family will be whole again through an act of kindness. I will pay $ 500,000 for their safe return, ”the artist wrote on Instagram after the kidnapping of his bulldogs. “If you bought them or found them without your knowledge, the reward is the same,” she insisted.

French bulldogs are a relatively rare and sought-after species that can sell for several thousand dollars. Investigators are looking to determine whether the thieves acted knowing that the dogs belonged to the star, or if they just wanted to capture and resell valuable animals.

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