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Lack of Support and Incentives for the Countryside: A Sad Reality in Mexico – National Peasant Confederation Leader Affirms Leadership of the CNC

-Affirms national leadership of the CNC.

By: Gabriel Gomez Rodriguez

H. Zitacuaro, Mich. – Leticia Barrera Maldonado, leader of the National Peasant Confederation, affirmed that in recent years the lack of support and incentives for the countryside has generated a sad reality, for which the number of new poor people in Mexico has increased to two and a half million. . The vast majority live in rural areas.

In addition, there are no programs that encourage productivity, grains become more expensive and consequently the cost of the basic food basket increases. To date, four million hectares have stopped planting.

During her visit to Zitácuaro, the leader participated in the district reunion of the National Peasant Confederation, attended by deputy Felipe de Jesús Contreras Correa, leader of the CNC in Michoacán, deputy Gloria Tapia Reyes, ejidal authorities, among other guests.

Barrera Maldonado stressed that the population’s ears were sweetened by having a prosperous field, a productive field, a field where they could be aware of the support so that the plot was profitable and they had economic liquidity.

Four years after the federal government, the field fertilization programs were withdrawn, there is no program to receive a tractor and be able to change the tillage mechanism.

The marketing programs that helped producers to encourage production and seek alternatives so that farmers could sell what their plot produced at a good price disappeared.

The same happened with agricultural insurance, producers invest what little they have, despite the high costs of fertilizers, they invest for the production of their plots what little they have. They even sell their cattle or sell whatever is at their fingertips. That insurance allowed them to recover their investment in the event of a frost, a flood or a plague.

The livestock promotion program for all those who have cattle was removed, because they know how difficult it is to carry out this activity. And if you don’t have the accompaniment of government agencies, it gets even more complicated.

To finish harming farm workers even more, with this government, three days ago came the initiative signed by the President of the Republic to disappear Financiera Nacional. The Financiera Nacional that replaced the Banco Rural, both represented a struggle, they arose for those who wanted to make their plots produce

Unfortunately, this government does not have the vision to help the countryside, every day the countryside is getting worse, in the last four years the budget has been reduced by more than forty percent. He explained that without financial resources the programs cannot be developed.

It is important that the government assumes its responsibility and executes public policies that allow rural people to have viability. It is not possible to allow hectares to stop being sown, that plots continue to be sown. To date there are four million hectares that have stopped planting.

This has brought a sad reality, for which the number of new poor has increased to two and a half million, the vast majority are in rural areas and are not happy with those programs that do not encourage productivity, grains become more expensive and in Consequently, the cost of the basic food basket increases. That what a kilo of meat cost in 2018 was 80 pesos, today it costs 170, and so are beans.

He invited those present to become aware, “together we reactivate. The CNC has been with you in the struggle, in the formation of an institution, to provide support to the people of the countryside, it has been promoting and encouraging education, as well as health in rural clinics. Today we have to reinvent ourselves, ”he summoned her.

2023-04-23 17:20:04
#million #poor #Mexico #Despertar

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