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Lack of care for cancer patients, among the complaints for which EPS Asmet Salud intervened

The National Health Superintendence intervened for one year in the EPS Asmet Salud due to the repeated failures in care that put the health of users at risk, as well as the critical financial situation of this promoting entity that has 2,027,382 affiliates in 12 departments of the country. In the case of Cesar, there are 142,727 patients served by this health provider company.

Likewise, Supersalud also orders the immediate takeover of assets, assets and businesses of this EPS which, as of February 2023, accumulated a debt of $954,000 million with its providers and health service providers.

Of that debt, $539,000 million (56.5%) correspond to a portfolio of more than 180 days. The decision to intervene to manage this EPS is also taken due to the delicate situation of petitions, complaints, claims and denunciations that this EPS has been presenting.

The lack of opportunity in assigning specialized medical consultation appointments, difficulty in accessing the provision of diagnostic aid services, are the main causes of complaints by users. Likewise, this EPS has not implemented the cancer care route, nor has it established effective strategies to expand coverage in screenings such as cytology and screening for mammography in women who require this service.

In addition, it registers repeated non-compliance in six other indicators, from 2019 to date, highlighting those that affect pregnant women and their children, patients with diabetes and hypertension, added to the deficient prevention activities for these diseases.

Supersalud evidenced that Asmet Salud does not comply with the indicated transfer of resources to its network of providers and providers in the analyzed departments.

As an immediate action plan, once the decision was notified, the Delegate Superintendent for Health Insurance Entities appointed Luis Carlos Gómez Núñez as special agent, who must, among other provisions, resolve substantive requests, complaints, claims and reports filed by the affiliated population, with special attention to those classified as life-threatening.

Added to this, the auditor must implement, in the next four months, a detailed payment plan and its monthly execution that clearly demonstrates the financing sources available for the payment of obligations.

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