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Lachaert at the King’s this Friday: for Jean-Luc Crucke, “it’s the good one”

For the Walloon Minister of Finance and Budget, invited on RTBF this Friday morning, the Vivaldi coalition is on the right track.

By writing with Belga

Lhe royal official, the Flemish liberal Egbert Lachaert, will report to the King on Friday at 11 am. The president of the Open VLD is testing the formula of a so-called “Vivaldi” coalition, bringing together the liberals (Open VLD and MR), the socialists (PS and SP.A), the ecologists (Ecolo and Groen) and the Flemish Christian Democrats of the CD&V. For Jean-Luc Crucke, Walloon Budget Minister, “it’s the right one”.

“Lachaert himself said that we were on the right track for the Vivaldi, he also announced it to the N-VA. Let’s be careful: it’s the Tour de France tomorrow, there are still a few passes to climb. But kidding aside, we are on the right track, ”he explains, rather optimistic.

Jean-Luc Crucke was also questioned about the attitude of its president, Georges-Louis Bouchez, and his “Belgian postures” as the RTBF journalist underlined. “I love my president, with his style. I have a mask where it is written “Wallonia”, I am going to make him print one, affirms the minister. But among liberals there is a virtue called freedom. And I know his slightly provocative side, I am also the other way around. This does not prevent the party from being united in what we want to do ”.

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