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Labor sources to Dagbladet: – Planning a major climate victory in secret

Dagbladet is aware that the Labor Party has already begun the preparatory work for a new red-green government platform.

Party strategists “write together” the party programs of the Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party to see which areas can already be nailed down as coincident policies.

The biggest gap between the parties is on climate. The skepticism of the Center Party’s climate policy is great in SV, which will demand a significant “climate victory” to enter the red-green government Jonas Gahr Støre desperately wants to put together.

Climate eggs

What clear climate victory can SV get from the Labor Party in a new red-green government?

Independent sources have given Dagbladet the same answer:

  • The Labor Party envisages that SV will gain a foothold for hardly any new oil fields being opened. Further exploration must primarily take place in existing fields, it is claimed. But as Dagbladet understands, neither the Labor Party nor the Socialist People’s Party will agree to a categorical rejection of opening new fields.
  • The Labor Party is not prepared to stop the search for new fields in the areas where there is already petroleum activity today, Dagbladet is informed. Only new areas are in play.

Paradigm shift

The Labor Party decided in the oil settlement at the national meeting in 2019 that they should “develop and not wind up” Norwegian petroleum activities. The rhetoric surrounding SV’s climate victory will probably vary between the red-green parties, but for the climate victory can be presented as a beginning at the end of the Norwegian oil age.

In the recent party program for the period 2021-25, the wording is that the Labor Party will present a new petroleum report with «petroleum policy for the 2020s» to, among other things, secure Norway income and jobs from the Norwegian shelf.

Central sources in the Labor Party cite a number of factors as justifications for saying no to new fields:

  • There is great uncertainty about investments in an increasingly oil- and gas-independent Europe.
  • Norwegian taxpayers also bear most of the costs of searching for new deposits, through the exploration refund scheme.
  • The Labor Party is fully aware that SV must have a clear victory in climate and the environment. SV is breathed into the neck by MDG. SV almost fell out of the Storting when the Stoltenberg government lost the election in 2013.

Red cloth

Since 2005, the “climate parties'” victories in government negotiations have been about protecting vulnerable areas such as LoVeSe and the Barents Sea. But this is no longer considered a victory in a government negotiation on the red-green side, as the Labor Party itself has decided that they do not want an impact assessment of Nordland VI and VII and Troms II.

The next step is then to say no to new fields, as Dagbladet’s sources outline, but neither the Labor Party nor the Socialist People’s Party are therefore willing to take this step fully.

For the Center Party, this will be a red cloth in any negotiations. Dagbladet reported last week that the Center Party is serious when they say that they do not want to go into government with SV. Climate and environmental policy – including petroleum – is one of the areas where the Center Party has the greatest problems with SV.

Believe in Sp-bluff

Despite the Center Party’s opposition to being in government with SV, the Labor Party continues to work tirelessly with the preparations for a red-green majority government.

Sources in the Labor Party Dagbladet has spoken to are absolutely certain that the Center Party, when it comes down to it, will not say no to government power, even though this includes SV.

Trygve Slagsvold Vedum’s promises of a government with the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party, and only the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party, are still not bought in the Labor Party.

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