Home » today » News » Labor party member Martin van Rijn will temporarily succeed Bruins as minister for Medical Care

Labor party member Martin van Rijn will temporarily succeed Bruins as minister for Medical Care

It is very remarkable that a PvdA member joins this cabinet in which the party does not participate. In this crisis situation, an exception is made in national interest to that unwritten rule. “Party color is not interesting,” said Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Labor party leader Lodewijk Asscher is delighted, he tweets: “If there is a national health crisis, you help where you can.
Proud of everyone who steps forward during this difficult time: Good luck Martin van Rijn! “

Van Rijn has experience in this position. From 2012 to 2017, he was State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport in the second Rutte cabinet.

Faintness Bruins

Bruins collapsed on Wednesday during the debate about the corona crisis in the House of Representatives. He lay on the floor for a moment and needed to get up.

Doctors advised him to rest for several weeks. That was the reason for Bruins to offer his resignation. According to him, this was not justified at this time of the corona crisis.

Health Minister Hugo de Jonge takes over the portfolio around the corona crisis. It will remain that way. Bruins ‘successor takes over the rest of Bruins’ activities.

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