Home » today » News » Labor market – Offenbach am Main – alliance promotes dual training – career

Labor market – Offenbach am Main – alliance promotes dual training – career

Offenbach / Main (dpa) – Young people currently have very good chances of finding an apprenticeship in Hesse. An alliance of politics and business in Offenbach pointed this out on Thursday. “The chances of finding an apprenticeship now are enormous,” said Managing Director Bettina Wolf from the regional office of the employment agency. If you are still unsure, you should use the extensive information available.

According to the latest information from February, the number of people looking for training at around 21,900 is slightly down on the previous year. At the same time, companies reported 27,000 job vacancies, around 8 percent more than a year earlier.

The numbers will continue to rise until the start of the new training year. According to the Federal Institute for Vocational Training, a total of 31,177 new training contracts were concluded in Hesse as of September 30, 2021. That was just under 100 fewer than in the first Corona year 2020, but there is a clear downward trend in the long term because more and more young people are opting for an academic education after leaving school.

At the same time, there are attractive career opportunities for the trainees, the alliance formulated on the occasion of a visit to the training company GKN Driveline in Offenbach. According to a statement, Economics Minister Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens) said: “Dual training is a high-quality and practice-oriented path to employment that opens up all possibilities up to and including later studies. It is the best insurance against unemployment for trainees and for companies the best way to cover their own needs for skilled workers.”

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