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Labor disputes are on the rise

Labor disputes have been on the rise for the past few days, which is slowing the economic recovery in downtown Montreal.

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“People want to checkout because right now everything is going up and salaries aren’t keeping up. It is no coincidence that there is an increase in labor disputes, ”said Serge Monette, vice-president of the Federation of Commerce (CSN).

About 500 employees of the Montreal casino, 400 at Molson and a few hundred workers at Ikea took to the streets to demand better conditions.

“It’s the law of the market so when there is a shortage of labor or a certain scarcity, the value of each employee and skills goes up. It is a favorable context for renegotiating certain working conditions,” explains Manon Poirier, director general of the order of human resources advisors.

See the explanation in the video above.

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