Mountain Dragon
The Horyanin dragon most accurately corresponds to the character of Aries. He is impulsive, he has to count to thirty and think carefully with each of his heads before he smells burnt. It is a crawling, flying, sleeping and fire-throwing self-esteem, with excessive pride. A supporter of polite dictatorship and the tactical imposition of one’s own opinion with aimed fire, but does not go into battle first. If something is not to his liking, be prepared to take a shower of fire from his quick-reacting maw. Despite his three heads, he doesn’t have time to think with any of them, he just acts. They are decisive, courageous people who think globally. If their energy is directed in the right direction, they are the sweetest dragons.
A hard-working breadwinner
The house is clean, like in an infirmary, the cat is fed, the flowers are watered, the shirts are ironed – the house cleaner is working. But there is peace and quiet until a certain point as everyone follows his lead. Caring, but also domineering, he is the undisputed master of the house and disagreement is unacceptable. Add to this fanatical practicality, stubbornness and jealousy. He always defends his views, but after getting the consent of his opponent, he becomes a good boy again. He was born with such a character, nothing can change it. In the house there can only be one brat, and that is Taurus. It is a nightmare if there are two Tauruses under one roof – the arguments about who is the boss will never stop.
green gnome
You are wandering along a forest path without suspecting anything, and suddenly a criticism is heard from behind the bushes – you are walking the wrong way, in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Meet the Green Gnome. Helpful tips and critiques, now you’ll have a whole wagon and a small cart. There will not be a single repetition in the hours-long monologue about your wrongdoing! Gnomes have a vocabulary sharper than any world famous writer. Better stop doing something wrong, mumble an apology and move on. This is Gemini and their changeable nature. After a second, the anger is replaced by mercy, and with loving eyes, he extends his berry hand to you. Take it easy! He was born that way.
Swamp kikimora
Kikimora is a Slavic house spirit that helps or harms – which of the two, is up to you. A conflicted nature who wants to be a gentle house spirit and a wild swamp fairy. This torn between wanting to catch or ride the broom makes the kikimora an unclean force. She is selfless, knows how to keep secrets and can safely be entrusted with a pot of gold. She is a faithful and devoted companion, but woe betide you if you fall into her clutches. Despite her emotionality, affection and sensitivity, communication with her is not easy. But he knows how to be a friend. In a difficult situation, you can count on her shoulder. She will rush, listen, wrap, lull and provide sweet sleep under a swamp bush.
Narrator cat
The storyteller cat is good for the brave and bad for the weak. If you’re a wimp, you have no business being in the same story with him. First it will stun you with ravings about its majesty and grandeur, and then it will overwhelm you. He has intelligence and magnetism. Only sometimes his memory fails him. “I was booed! That’s a standing ovation.” He will bewitch and put to sleep anyone he wants, because he has a dangerous weapon – a special magnetism. Stubborn, narcissistic, selfish, and you go crazy over him, put him on a pedestal, admiring his virtues and talents. He has incredible self-confidence and charisma, and no one can make him doubt his own confidence.
Baba Yaga
In her house on hen’s legs reigns the right disorder – spiders weave cobwebs in their designated corners, mice run in neat rows, flies fly in their allowed air corridors. Baba Yaga is taciturn, reserved, but curious and prone to gossip. He can smell stupidity from miles away. Her remarks are stern, her words unerringly find the weak spot, and she always puts good heroes in their place if they decide to stick their noses in too much. Get the idea out of your head that you can spin it on your finger. She is the one who will trick and outwit anyone in no time. Not a single detail escapes her, she is so meticulous and critical. Plus, she can smell a lie a mile away.
The beautiful Mara
A very incomprehensible and mysterious person. The beautiful Mara wanders through ancient castles, suffering alone and making others suffer. She is often idle, and laziness has nothing to do with it. Before starting any work, she considers all its nuances, carefully weighs the pros and cons, which takes a lot of time. With patience and persistence, she achieves what she wants, and in a moment she is overcome by doubts again. So she continues to crow, lost in longing and reflection, if you do not force her to act. The beautiful Mara not only immerses herself in problems, but willingly shares them with those around her. It will easily blow any problem into a universal story, prepare for hours of whining.
A mysterious mermaid
She sits on a rock in the middle of the sea, brushing her long hair with a magic comb, and you are expected to admire her breathlessly, without moving, without sneezing. If you break the magic moment, she will swoop down like a ninja, sweep you across the face with her tail, and drive her comb violently into your chest. Then she’ll enslave you to build her an underwater crystal castle. The mermaid is mysterious, independent, rebellious and wayward. Deep in her soul, another person is buried – kind and responsive. Be alert and don’t dive headlong into their pool. As soon as you feel that you are going to the bottom, cause her pity. Although they appear selfish, they are actually responsive.
A whimsical cyclops
It basically has two eyes. Cyclops is only if you wake him up after last night’s drunkenness. Be lucky enough to do this stupid thing and your sweet cyclops will open fire on you like a madman with a machine gun. Otherwise, he is a complete idealist with a firm belief in a bright future. He may step on the same oar ten times and walk with a black eye all his life. If you are a masochist and want to know the truth and the whole truth about yourself, ask the cyclops. An optimist to the core, he firmly believes in people. Despite the many wounds, he will continue on his way without stopping to smile. A man who is not devoid of romanticism. He is sure that it is love at first sight, and he will pursue it until his last breath.
Kashchei Immortals
He is single-minded, ambitious and untouchable even by a silver bullet. They compare it to the salt of the earth, which is fair – that it is sugar and cannot be spoken. He knows how to forgive the insult, of course, after the culprit is thrown to rot in a damp and cramped cell, until with his last breath he croaks, “Forgive!” Kashchei Bezsmertni sends Vasilisa the Beautiful to cook feasts in the kitchen, and with Ivan Tsarevich in the living room they drink, eat and philosophize. A born leader, Koshchei has no problem gaining respect. He himself respects even those who openly dislike him. Nature has endowed them with steel character and strong will. They can be tyrannical, but they mask their cruelty with love and tenderness.
Nightingale Robber
A meek, lazy and friendly evil force that one would imagine swings on a branch and whistles all day long. Still, you have doubts – and rightly so. Don’t be fooled by the fact that he’s named after a chick – he’s a giant bird that overwhelms even the strongest heroes with its nightmarishly piercing nightingale song. This is not the person who will think about family, home, career growth. It happens that such thoughts fly through his head, but they do not linger. He is used to flying in the clouds, walking the corridors of his castles in the air. However, the nightingale is loved by all and is popular. His interlocutors sympathize. His innate optimism and sociability help him in this.
Water spirit
You are drowning, sinking into the murky waters of a deep lake, gurgling, kicking your feet. Something shapeless and pale green catches up with you and starts pulling you to the bottom. As he drags you along, all the while explaining with a patriotic flourish how lucky you are to sink into this very lake. He loves his native land so much that he never wants to leave it. And at heart, the Water Spirit is a complete Goldfish who dreams of stormy waves, boundless oceans and dangerous adventures. He builds castles in the air with ease and knocks them down just as easily. She often replaces reality with fantasies, this is her salvation from the monotonous gray everyday life. Vulnerable individuals that anyone can hurt, so they don’t get into arguments.