New SWG survey on La7 news on Monday 2 October. In the news directed by Enrico Mentana, the voting orientations and variations compared to the previous week are proposed, from which the constant Fratelli d’Italia emerges. In fact, Giorgia Meloni’s party leads the ranking of Italians’ trust in parties, growing in seven days by 0.4% up to 29.1%. Elly Schlein’s Democratic Party had a bad week, gaining 0.3%, dropping to 19.5%. There is no much-dreamed of rapprochement between the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party: the Grillini lose 0.2%, going from 16.9% to 16.7%, without breaking through the psychological share of 17%. A minus also for the League, which went from 10.1% to 9.8% (-0.3%). Forza Italia is stable, seeing no change and remaining at 6.5%. Action and the Green Left Alliance rise: Carlo Calenda’s party goes to 3.9% (+0.1%), while the Bonelli-Fratoianni duo goes from 3.2% to 3.4% for a +0, 2%.

There were no changes for +Europe, which remained at 2.6%. Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva drops drastically, losing 0.3% in a week and reaching 2.4%. Among the other parties worth mentioning are Per l’Italia con Paragone at 1.8% and Unione Popolare at 1.5%. 39% of survey participants did not express their opinion, a figure that increased by 1% compared to the previous survey.