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La Palma fire devastates homes and vehicles | Radio Club Tenerife | Present

The flames of the fire declared this Tuesday in the municipality of El Paso (La Palma) advance during the night causing numerous material damages. More than 100 people have had to be evicted from their homes. The Red Cross has set up two pavilions for those who have no other accommodation resources.

During the night, a team of urban firefighters of Tenerife has moved to The Palm to participate in the fire control and extinction tasks that It does not affect the forest mass but rather an interface area where there are numerous dwellings single-family and dispersed. This has been explained by the Security Advisor of the Canary Islands Government, Julio Pérez, who traveled to La Palma to see first-hand the evolution of the situation.

According to forecasts, the gusts of wind will be maintained with a constant intensity of about 50 km / h and gusts that could exceed 70 km / h. Forecasts also indicate that the wind direction will be maintained, which, in the event of a re-sprouting focus, it would continue towards the west coast.

Interior of a house affected by the flames of the El Paso Fire (La Palma) / Cadena SER

This is where the work is concentrated during the night to contain the north and south fronts of the fire, as explained Jorge Parra, Infoca technical director.

The main concern it is a change in the direction of the wind that rekindles some focus to the north, where the La Caldera de Taburiente National Park is located.

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