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La Nación / Loans sanctioned for road works for a global amount of US$ 454 million

The Chamber of Deputies approved and sent to the Executive Power two bills that establish the contracting of loans from international financial organizations for a global amount of US$ 454 million for road works in the Alto Paraná and Chaco regions.

The documents, which already had the approval of the Senate, were approved in the extraordinary session of the Lower House. The first of them approves the loan contract signed by the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), dated October 7, 2020, and by the Republic of Paraguay, on October 9, 2020, for a total amount of up to $100,000,000.

This loan will be used to finance the project by the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) to pave the Puerto Indio highway, at its junction with the Superhighway, in the department of Alto Paraná.

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In this regard, the Colorado deputy Tadeo Rojas explained that it is about the connectivity of Mbaracayú and its areas of influence, which will provide economic development to the entire area of ​​Alto Paraná. He stressed that this work will also stimulate commercial exchanges between Paraguay and Brazil.

The project, which has the favorable opinions of the Budget and Education commissions, will now be sent to the Executive Power for its eventual promulgation.

The second project approved by the deputies was the loan contract between Paraguay and the Financial Fund for the Development of the River Plate Basin (Fonplata), for an amount of up to US$354,245,764, to finance the improvement and paving of the route PY15, in the section Mariscal Estigarribia-Pozo Hondo; and access to Mariscal Estigarribia, in the department of Boquerón, also in charge of the MOPC.

The same, which will be sent to the Executive Power, also had the approval of the Senate and the opinions in favor of the Economic and Financial Affairs commissions; Works, Public Services and Communications; and the Budget of the Lower House.

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