Home » today » Health » La Nación / In Paraguay, breast cancer has already taken more than 500 women

La Nación / In Paraguay, breast cancer has already taken more than 500 women

The Alto Paraná Judicial District organized a series of talks on breast cancer prevention within the framework of the Pink October, whose activity culminated on Friday afternoon with the presentation of a mastologist. It was attended by the members of the council: President Bertha Ávalos, First Vice President Juliana Giménez and Second Vice President Efrén Giménez.

The event took place in the meeting room of the Convention Center of the Ciudad del Este Palace of Justice and was within the framework of the campaign “Use your days to live”, aimed at magistrates, civil servants and agents of the Justice.

The closing ceremony featured the words of President Bertha Ávalos, who stated that the sessions were organized with many new details, in order to persuade the audience about these sensitive issues that affect a high percentage of the population.

He also thanked the panelists who were part of this series of talks, the professionals from different medical branches, who gave their time and knowledge to the audience of magistrates and officials.

Photo: Kindness.

Later, those present listened to the interventions of Dr. Cecilia Gómez, a mastologist. In his presentation, he presented statistical data that show that breast cancer is the most frequent in Paraguayan women.

He also mentioned that in 2015 it caused the death of 343 people, in 2016, 9,869 new cases and registering a total of 368 deaths, while in 2017 there were 1,616 new cases in the country and 538 women died.

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Finally, Dr. Gómez encouraged the audience to lose their fear of being examined because early diagnosis is the most important thing in the face of this disease. He argued that breast cancer has a cure, that it is not a disabling disease, since the woman can become a mother after treatment.

“Every woman has the right to breast reconstruction, to feel supported by her environment and to be listened to,” concluded the mastology specialist.

The day was also attended by Teresita Adorno, a businesswoman from the livestock-agricultural sector, who told the audience how she defeated breast cancer.

During a very emotional moment, she said that she is a renewed woman and that today her primary mission is to help women in prevention and above all to influence people in a positive way and add value to their lives.

Photo: Kindness.

For her part, the press coordinator of the Alto Paraná judicial headquarters, Olga Mercado, stated that: “For the first time in the Judicial Branch a talk with a health focus was organized, this type of training was never carried out in the judicial headquarters of Ciudad from the east”. The talk was addressed to officials, magistrates and professionals of the forum and was free ”, he highlighted.

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