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la Lube wins the third set and comes back – OA Sport


18.40 The fourth set begins.

18.37 Third balanced partial that Gianlorenzo Blengini’s Lube wins, thus coming back forward in this Super Cup final.

25-23 ACE DI BOTTOLO! Lube Civitanova wins the third set and goes on 2-1.

24-23 Error in the Perugia service, Lube set-point.

23-23 First half played badly by Diamantini and Leon punishes on the free-ball.

23-22 Error in the Civitanova service.

23-21 Another wall of the Lube, this time by Garcia on Plotnytskyi.

22-21 Wall of Bottolo on Herrera.

21-21 Hands out of Plotnytskyi.

21-20 Garcia with the diagonal from place 2.

20-20 Error in the Lube service.

20-19 Yant to target with the diagonal.

19-19 ACE of Leon, new parity.

This time to call the time out is Chicco Blengini.

19-18 Garcia’s lob out.

19-17 Lube service error.

19-16 Anzani’s touch under the net.

18-16 Leon interrupts the Marches partial.

Time out coming from the Perugia bench.


17-15 ACE by Nikolov, +2 Lube Civitanova.

16-15 De Cecco’s great ball for Yant who puts it down from place 4.

15-15 Error in the Civitanova service.

15-14 Garcia’s lob.

14-14 Hands out of Semenyuk, again parity with Lube who is starting to push.

14-13 The Yant pipe.

13-13 Herrera’s error in his first ball of the match.

12-13 Leon’s pipe.

12-12 Garcia’s lob.

11-12 Wall of Perugia.

11-11 First half of Chinenyeze.

10-11 The ball is out on Garcia’s attack.

10-10 Leon’s diagonal.

10-9 Another wall, this time by Chinenyeze on Rychlicki, Lube ahead.

9-9 Yant Wall on Leon, tie.

8-9 Sir Safety service error.

7-9 Leon’s diagonal.

7-8 Yant with the diagonal from place 4.

6-8 First half of Flavio Resende.

6-7 Error in the Perugia service.

5-7 Rychlicki with the diagonal.

5-6 First half of Diamantini.

4-6 Lube is also wrong.

4-5 Error in the Perugia service.

3-5 This time Semenyuk scores with the parallel from place 4.

3-4 Out the attack of Semenyuk who continues to struggle.

2-4 Leon’s diagonal.

2-3 Wall in Yant on Rychlicki.

1-3 First half of Russo.

1-2 Bottolo’s pipe.

0-2 Yant misses under the net, Perugia immediately breaks.

0-1 Error in the Lube Civitanova service.

18.05 The third set begins.

18.02 Sir Safety Susa Perugia controls the second set from the early stages and returns to a draw in this final.

22-25 Error in the Lube service, Perugia wins the second set, 1-1.

22-24 Sir Safety Susa service error.

21-24 Russo puts down a loose ball and gives Perugia three set points.

21-23 Out of Rychlicki’s attack.

20-23 The ball is good.

19-24 Out the attack of Garcia, challenge Lube.

19-23 Rychlicki two-stroke.

19-22 Leon’s diagonal.

19-21 Third consecutive point signed by Yant at Lube.

18-21 Rychlicki’s diagonal gives place 4.

18-20 Confusion under construction Perugia which grants a free-ball put down by Yant.

17-20 Yant’s attack from place 4.

16-20 First half by Flavio Resende.

16-19 Bottolo’s narrow diagonal.

15-19 Semenyuk interrupts the Marche break.

15-18 Pallonetto di Bottolo, the Lube shortens to -3.

14-18 Great ball by De Cecco for Garcia who bags on the wall.

13-18 Garcia finds the touch of the wall.

12-18 The pipe in Semenyuk.

12-17 Sir Safety service error.

11-17 Confusion under construction Perugia and the Lube hits the mark with Rychlicki’s parallel.

11-16 Soft lob at Leon’s target.

11-15 The pipe in Semenyuk.

11-14 Yant’s diagonal.

10-14 Lube is also wrong.

10-13 Error in the Perugia service.

9-13 Leon’s pipe.

9-12 First half of Diamantini.

8-12 Error in the Civitanova service.

8-11 Wall of the newly entered Yant.

7-11 Bortolo finds the mani out of the wall.


7-10 Error in the Russian service but there is a challenge.

6-10 Nikolov dribble foul that comes out and gives way to Yant.

6-9 Out the diagonal attack of Garcia, new break from Perugia, +3.

6-8 Leon’s pipe.

6-7 Garcia finds the hands of the wall.

5-7 Semenyuk error, Civitanova makes contact again.

4-7 Perugia infringement.

3-7 Giannelli puts down a loose ball, 4-0 Perugia partial open, Lube time out.

3-6 Leon continues to hurt the serve.

3-5 Problems in reception Lube, +2 Perugia.

3-4 Leon puts down a great ball.

3-3 Chinenyeze attack.

2-3 Leon finds the hands of the wall.

2-2 Attack by Gabi Garcia.

1-2 There is no touch, the point is from Perugia.

1-2 Nikolov’s parallel is long, called a challenge for a possible touch to the wall.

1-1 Attack by Rychlicki.

1-0 Error in the Perugia service.

17.32 The second set begins.

17.29 The Lube Civitanova therefore wins the first set of this Super Cup final after half an hour of play.

25-20 Error in the Perugia service, Lube wins the first set.

24-20 Second point of Giannelli.

24-19 Perugia service error, five Lube set points.

23-19 First time of Russo.

23-18 Leon attack.

23-17 Error in the Perugia service.

22-17 He touches another Bortolo ace with the ball coming out a little.

22-16 Ace di Bortolo, all stopped at Sir Safety.

21-16 Excellent defense of Colaci on the diagonal of Garcia then Perugia messes under construction with the ball falling.

20-16 Error in the Civitanova service.

20-15 This time the invasion is from Perugia.

19-15 Invasion of De Cecco.

19-14 Garcia’s parallel.

18-14 Rychlicki finds the hands of the wall and interrupts the Marches partial.

18-13 Muro Lube, +5 in favor of Blengini’s men.

17-13 Garcia’s winning diagonal, runs away via Civitanova.

16-13 Wall of De Cecco.

15-13 Bortolo finds the hands of the wall, Civitanova break. Time out Perugia.

14-13 Perugia reception error and Lube puts his head forward.

13-13 Ace from Nikolov, draw.

12-13 Garcia’s new attack.

11-13 The ball change for Perugia arrives.

11-12 ACE BY GABI GARCIA! Partial of 3-0 signed by the Cuban.

10-12 Garcia again, Lube at -2.

9-12 Garcia attack.

8-12 Leon finds the hands of the wall.

8-11 Pass the Bortolo pipe.

7-11 Error in the Civitanova service.

7-10 Nikolov’s full-arm pipe.

6-10 First half by Flavio Resende, Perugia keeps +4.

6-9 First half of Diamantini.

5-9 Wall of Rychlicki on Bortolo, time out Civitanova.

5-8 Attack of Rychlicki.

5-7 Garcia’s parallel.

4-7 It touches the intersection of the Nikolov lines on the serve but the ball is out.

4-6 Leon is also wrong on the other side.

3-6 Lube service error.

3-5 Another pipe from Bortolo.

2-5 First half of Russo.

2-4 The Bortolo pipe.

1-4 Garcia unlocks Civitanova’s attack.

0-4 Another wall, this time by Rychlicki on Nikolov.

0-3 The Perugian wall again, a splendid start for Sir Safety.

0-2 Leon’s wall on Garcia.

0-1 First half of Flavio Resende to open the last act of the 2022 Super Cup.


16.58 The sextets, CIVITANOVA: Garcia, Nikolov, Diamantini, De Cecco, Bortolo, Chinenyeze, Balaso; PERUGIA: Giannelli, Rychlicki, Leon, Russo, Flavio Resende, Semenyuk, Colaci.

16.55 Presentation of the two teams.

16.50 The teams are completing the warm-up at the PalaPirastu in Cagliari, the scene of these two days of volleyball.

16.45 In the final for third place Trento overtook Modena 3-1, thus conquering the lowest step of the podium.

16.40 Much more balanced was the challenge between Andrea Anastasi’s Sir Safety Susa Perugia and Angelo Lorenzetti’s Itas Trentino where the Umbrian team managed to win only at the tie-break. 23-25 ​​25-17 25-22 22-25 15-7 the partials of the second semifinal which saw Kamil Semenyuk as the best scorer in Perugia with 20 points, followed by Wilfredo Venero Leon with 19.

16.35 It was a one-way semifinal the first staged in Sardinia with Gianlorenzo Blengini’s Cucine Lube Civitanova who overcame Andrea Giani’s Valsa Group Modena with a peremptory 3-0. 25-23 25-20 25-20 the partials of a match that saw Gabi Garcia on the shields of the Marche team with 15 points on the scoresheet. The contribution of the two spikers Nikolov (14) and Bottolo (9) was also decisive in the Lube house, both in attack and in reception.

16.30 Good afternoon and welcome to the LIVE LIVE text of Cucine Lube Civitanova-Sir Safety Susa Perugia, final of the 2022 Italian Super Cup of men’s volleyball.

Good evening friends and friends of OA Sport and welcome to the LIVE LIVE text of Cucine Lube Civitanova-Sir Safety Susa Perugia, final of the 2022 Italian Super Cup of men’s volleyball. At the PalaPirastu in Cagliari, chefs and Umbrians compete for the first trophy of the season.

The first staged in Sardinia with the Cucine Lube Civitanova from Gianlorenzo Blengini which he overcame with a peremptory 3-0 Valsa Group Modena from Andrea Giani. 25-23 25-20 25-20 the partials of a match he saw Gabi Garcia on the shields of the Marche team with 15 points on the scoresheet. The contribution of the two spikers Nikolov (14) and Bottolo (9) was also decisive in the Lube house, both in attack and in reception.

Much more balanced was the challenge between the Sir Safety Susa Perugia by Andrea Anastasi and the Itas Trentino by Angelo Lorenzetti where the Umbrian team managed to impose itself only at the tie-break. 23-25 ​​25-17 25-22 22-25 15-7 the partials of the second semifinal that saw Kamil Semenyuk as Perugia’s top scorer with 20 points, followed by Wilfred Venero Leone with 19.

OA Sport offers you the LIVE textual LIVE of Cucine Lube Civitanova-Sir Safety Susa Perugia, final of the 2022 Italian Super Cup of men’s volleyball. It will start at 5.00 pm at the PalaPirastu in Cagliari. Have fun with our report in real time point by point.

Photo: Photo LiveMedia / Roberto Bartomeoli

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