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La Jornada – Salary increase maintains job certainty for teachers: SNTE

Mexico City. The secretary general of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), Alfonso Cepeda Salas, reported that despite the economic situation the country is going through due to the pandemic, “it was not only possible to maintain the job security of its members, but also a salary increase, which accompanies the social appreciation of teachers ”.

In a statement, after announcing the agreement with the Ministry of Public Education to obtain an increase of 3.9 percent in salary and 1.8 percent in benefits for teachers throughout the country, he recalled that along with teachers, SNTE leaders have fought to keep union members’ salaries and benefits in full.

“We ratify that nothing stops teachers, their professional dedication gave us enough arguments to achieve, both in 2020 and now in the 2021 negotiation, an increase in salary and benefits higher than inflation.”

Presenting the fifth conference of the online seminar “With security we say present”, the national leader commented that the route of the safe return to schools is being built with the “Three Vs”: Vaccinated teachers, epidemiological traffic light in Green, Voluntary assistance, as well as a review of the sanitary conditions of the school buildings.

Cepeda Salas recognized the teachers from Campeche, Coahuila, Chiapas and Jalisco, who have already started face-to-face classes and asked them to maintain the security protocols for the covid-19 at all times.

He highlighted the importance of the emotional health of the teachers, since they are guides of the educational communities and an example of life for the students.

Cepeda Salas told the 45 thousand teachers linked via the internet that “in this return to face-to-face classes we have to prepare in a very intense way, not only in terms of significant learning that could not be transmitted due to the conditions in which it has occurred. distance education, but also to prepare ourselves so that our students can relearn to interrelate, to return to that natural bond that occurs with their peers and their teachers ”.

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