Home » today » Business » La Jornada – Foreigners related to loans “drop by drop” are arrested

La Jornada – Foreigners related to loans “drop by drop” are arrested

Mexico City. Two Colombian citizens and one Venezuelan, allegedly related to loans of money to people, who are physically and verbally attacked if they do not pay, modus operandi Known as “drop by drop”, they were arrested for not verifying their legal stay in the country with an official document, reported the Secretariat for Citizen Security.

The uniformed men participated in the operational deployments carried out in the city to prevent and combat crimes, when they proceeded against these people in response to a request for support issued by immigration authorities.

After conducting security and reconnaissance tours in the Benito Juárez and Iztacalco demarcations, they identified these people from Central and South American countries, allegedly related to criminal acts.

On Juan Tinoco Street, in the Merced Gómez neighborhood, a 28-year-old man from Colombia was arrested, and on 5 de Febrero Street, in the San Simón neighborhood, both in the Benito Juárez demarcation, another of 34 years old from Venezuela.

Meanwhile, on Avenida Sur 8, Colonia Agrícola Orienta, in Iztacalco, a 38-year-old man, also originally from Colombia, was arrested and none of them presented official documents to prove their legal stay in the country.

In addition, according to information obtained, they are allegedly related to the modus operandi “Drop by drop”, where loans are granted and if people do not cover the required quota, they are physically and verbally assaulted.

The detainees, after reading their legal rights, were presented to the corresponding immigration authorities, who will follow up on each case, to define their legal and legal situation, the SSC specified.

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