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La Jornada – Contribution of hospitals in attention to Covid, criteria for distributing vaccines

Of the list of 1.2 million workers in the first and second line of care, Covid has been vaccinated 913 thousand 430, of which 882 thousand 989 correspond to personnel working in public sector institutions, which represents 97 percent, and 30,441 from the private sector, that is, 3 percent, reported the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell.

He recalled that a significant proportion of people who work in the private health sector also work in the public sector, where they were immunized, so that 3 percent of coverage in the private sector “may be underestimated”, and stated that this distribution “does not it is capricious, it meets a technical criterion that has to do with how much the public sector contributes to the Covid response and how much the private sector ”.

In the morning conference of the National Palace, where the advance of vaccination in health personnel was presented to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, López-Gatell detailed that of 628 thousand 981 hospital admissions, 98.3 percent, that is, 618 thousand 261 , were treated in public hospitals, while 10,720, which corresponds to 1.7 percent of the total, were performed in private sanatoriums.

Clearly, he said, the representation of care is very majority in the public sector and there is “less contribution, very valuable, much appreciated, but less in the private sector.” Vaccination, he considered, has even exceeded protection also in the private sector, “at least doubling it.”

Regarding the integration of a census of health personnel from private institutions, he recalled that the agreement in the National Health Council is that the state health authorities “would integrate the registers, but they would also validate them, that is, to recognize that the people there Listed, it can really be verified that they correspond to first-line health personnel ”.

He indicated that the lists have already been received and correspond “to what we had already listed practically in its entirety.” He stressed that at the time, support was requested from consortia and associations of private hospital corporations, but “we obtained registers that were not valid, they were inflated, because they had administrative personnel or that it could not be identified if they were still active, so we desisted from that way ”.

Regarding the update of the National Vaccination Scheme, he commented that to date 13 million 421 thousand 708 doses have been administered, of which 9 million 900 thousand 992 correspond to older adults (2 million 511 thousand 802 with a complete scheme).

Support for poor entities

Although he clarified that he did not elaborate on information because we are in an electoral ban, the president presented at the conference a table with the beneficiaries of social programs in the poorest entities: Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas, where the number of supports exceeds the number of homes census, not counting – he specified – the delivery of fertilizers in Guerrero or vaccines.

He added that in Chiapas there are 1.3 million homes and one million 673 thousand 679 beneficiaries, so there is coverage of 124 percent, and it is evident that in some houses there is more than one beneficiary. Guerrero and Oaxaca are in a similar situation.

Before, the poor were abandoned and now there are programs such as Youth Building the Future “and in this way we are going to pacify the country,” he said.

On the electoral issue, he suggested that not only should the complaints of alleged crimes be made public, but also that they be presented to the prosecutor’s office.

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