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La Grande Tétée 2023: Normalizing Breastfeeding and Reconciling Work

At 11 a.m., Sunday October 15, photos of breastfeeding women and their families will be taken in forty cities in France, including Chartres. But La Grande Tétée, the name given to this event which takes place as a preamble to World Breastfeeding Week, is not limited to this image alone.
“It is above all a day of exchange for parents, with round tables, speakers in the field of parenting, health professionals and workshops”, highlight Laure Duport and Julie Gremillon, two of the three coordinators. locals of the event and perinatal companions.

The Grande Tétée to normalize breastfeeding, a first in Chartres

Organized at the Maison des Familles, rue du Bourgneuf, this Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., this day will also be an opportunity to discover baby massage, carrying, the signs associated with speech to communicate with your child, or even ‘exchange with the IBCLC lactation consultant

Émilie Chevalier. Malika Harma, Eurelian representative of the support, listening and advice association in the context of maternal difficulties, Maman Blues, will also be present. The event is of course open to all parents.

Providing reliable information
What the organizers of the Grande Tétée want above all, far from clichés, is to “provide reliable information on the practice of maternal breastfeeding, constitute a support network for parents, provide support, but also show a more current image of breastfeeding. Beyond the obvious nutritional aspect, breastfeeding also meets the baby’s primary needs, his need for security.”

The theme for this 2023 edition of the Grande Tétée: reconciling breastfeeding and work. “Resuming work does not necessarily mean the end of breastfeeding, even if this is often the case for many mothers. You should also know that an employee can be absent from work for one hour per day to express milk or breastfeed your child”, notes Julie Gremillon. Companies with more than a hundred employees must also provide a breastfeeding room near the workplace.

“Lack of support”

For the two perinatal guides, it is essential that everyone can have the right knowledge on the subject, without judgment, while specifying that there is above all no desire to condemn bottle-feeding. “The objective is to make all breastfeeding projects possible, whatever the planned duration, while respecting the wishes of mothers and fathers, while facilitating the right to information.”

The multiple benefits of breast milk for the baby and his mother presented in Chartres

And even if breastfeeding is natural, there are obstacles, both in its implementation and in its continuation. “You have to be able to trust yourself and be supported. The thoughts of those around you can have an impact that sometimes makes mothers feel guilty. There can also be loneliness and a lack of support.”

IBCLC Lactation Consultants are breastfeeding and human lactation specialists with specific certification.


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