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La Florida: important advances by residents to request the “partial closure” of the neighborhood

By Marcelo Marcel

As El Marplatense advanced, residents of Florida they organized to protest the insecurity in that area of ​​Mar del Plata and will be gathering signatures for two days to analyze the “partial closure” of the neighborhood. At the end, they will present the petition to the Honorable Deliberative Council.

On the first day, hundreds of residents of the sector came to the headquarters of the Sociedad de Fomento to stamp their signature and adhere to the request that they have been analyzing since March: partially close the neighborhood. It continued this Saturday and they hope to bring the request to the HCD next week.

We accompany from the Institution but this was born after a meeting of the neighbors, more than 200, who analyzed the situation“, alerted the neighbor Cristina Stankevicius, president of the Society for the Promotion of the neighborhood.

This Thursday many neighbors have come to join with their signature and we continue on Saturday“He said in dialogue with this medium.”We take all health precautions, alcohol, respecting social distancing and to make it easier, we put a table at the entrance of our headquarters as you can see in the photo, “he added.

The decision taken by the neighbors that make up the La Florida neighborhood, reflected in this medium, quickly had an echo in sectors of Mar del Plata politics.

From the Honorable Deliberative Council, recipient of this measure, according to what was announced by the neighborhood referent of the neighborhood, they analyzed the situation in particular and, above all things, what it does to the insecurity of the district, a situation analyzed in the last days.

The official councilor Agustín Neme reiterated its position on the matter, before the specific consultation of The Marplatense. “For us, safety is a priority. The concern of the neighbors is also our concern and we work with the executive to give them the security they deserve, “he said.

“That is why we have been insisting for months,” he added, “so that the Federal forces that took us back. Mar del Plata had 500 federal troops that in a few days, by decision of the Ministry of National Security, were taken from our city. “

For Neme, it was about “an unintelligible decision that goes against the safety of our neighbors. We are not asking for anything new, only that the Federal forces that were in the city doing a great job and that we urgently need to fight crime and to guarantee security in the city’s neighborhoods, as in this case. “

In opposition, meanwhile, Vito Amalfitano emphasized that these issues raised in Florida should be addressed in the Security commission that he devised for the Honorable Deliberative Council and that will soon be discussed for its implementation.

The councilor of the Frente de Todos, told this medium that “the concern of the neighbors is understandable. The best way to attend to it and find the best tools to find solutions will be to listen to them directly in the Deliberative Council, which is the natural representation of the city’s inhabitants. “

“And for that,” he claimed. is waiting for our project of the Frente de Todos to be dealt with and urgently approved so that the HCD has once and for all its Security commission… From there we could directly address those concerns to transfer them to the Executive and the different jurisdictions ”.

He also added his word on this issue Security Forum municipal, considering that “the neighbors are the thermometer of what happens in each neighborhood, you cannot argue that. We are aware of the claims they have made forever and we think it is a legitimate order that the authorities will analyze, although we recognize that with a Security commission in the HCD it would be all more direct and concrete“they argued.

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