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La Bruyère: breathing virus-free is possible

Active for nearly a hundred years in high-tech equipment for the medical world, Analis has just put on the market a solution that could allow everyone to change air. Or at least to disinfect it in a way that is as radical as it is healthy. “Well beyond the Covid, it is all the pathogens and allergens present in the air (influenza, various viruses, bacteria, pollen or mites) which are instantly destroyed when they are sucked into this device”, explains Filip Hendrickx, CEO of Analis Development. “The result is clean and above all disinfected air. Unlike solutions with UVC lamps, here, there is no question of waiting for the work to be finished to enter the room. The devices work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. no harmful emissions. “

They have a patented plasma technology capable of disinfecting the air with proven efficiency of 99.9% against viruses, bacteria, allergens and other polluting particles. “Besides several European studies which demonstrate this effectiveness, our solution won the approval of the FDA, the American health administration, designating Novaerus as the reference solution on the market to kill viruses circulating in the air “, comments Ron Roobroeck, International Sales & Marketing Manager of the company.

As soon as it was released, several professionals from the medical and commercial world as well as the hospitality industry and well-being equipped themselves with it. Starting with hairdressers who see, for example, the risk of occupational disease considerably reduced thanks to the systematic elimination of volatile organic compounds generated in particular by the use of lacquers and dyes. Simple to install, the solution is made more accessible thanks to the financing possibilities offered, in particular leasing. Now, for less than 40 euros per month, it is possible to breathe virus-free.

Gregory Piérard

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