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La Arrixaca bets on radiotherapy in the operating room against breast cancer

The intraoperative radiotherapy has become the new tool launched by the Virgen de la Arrixaca Hospital in Murcia for the treatment of breast cancer. Thanks to this method, the patient leaves the operating room with the area to be treated already irradiated, without having to subsequently undergo external radiotherapy.

This is just one example of the new techniques, diagnostic methods and treatments for breast cancer that were the focus of yesterday’s III Multidisciplinary Conference of the Breast Units of the Region of Murciaa meeting that was held in Arrixaca and in which specialists from all the hospitals met to update their knowledge.

The work developed in intraoperative radiotherapy was addressed during a round table by the specialist Enrique Cardenasfrom the Radiotherapy Oncology service of the El Palmar hospital, who indicated that up to now they have been 44 breast cancer patients who have benefited from this system.

Users save with this new method subsequent displacements to receive external radiotherapy

«The idea of ​​this conference is to bring innovation, we have treatments that are controversial when making decisions, they are very innovative and we are starting with them, such as intraoperative radiotherapy, partial breast irradiation or new surgical techniques performed by interventional radiologists, as well as diagnostic techniques and new issues to implement in genetic counseling, “the head of the Arrixaca Medical Oncology Service explained to La Opinion, Jose Luis Alonso.

The specialist insists that «we are very interested in talking about innovationbut we are also very interested in pooling knowledge and that we all establish common criteria when working in the Region of Murcia».

Intraoperative radiotherapy

Intraoperative radiotherapy, which is applied in the same operating room during the operation, is not indicated for all patients. Its use is recommended in small tumors, in which the main objective is to try to prevent the user from undergo external radiation therapy afterward.

Dr. Alonso states that “with this treatment the patient leaves the operating room with all the local treatment done: surgery and radiotherapy, since the area to be treated is radiated in the operating room itself».

La Arrixaca has begun to use this treatment in cases of small tumors, in women over 60 years of age and in some of those over 50 years of age who are selected. But mainly, “in tumors with a phenotype that we know is not very aggressive.” In this way, patients leave the operating room with full local treatment and only systemic treatment would remain.

700 new cases are diagnosed each year

In the Region of Murcia, an average of 20,000 annual consultations are carried out regarding this pathology and around 700 new cases of breast cancer are detected each year. It is estimated that one in eight women will suffer from this disease throughout her life, they indicate from the Ministry of Health. At the meeting held yesterday, the Minister of Health, Juan José Pedreño, stressed that in the Region of Murcia a screening is carried out aimed at women between 50 and 69 years of age to help early diagnosis of the disease and better control and treatment.

One of the main advantages is that the patient does not have to submit after the operation to external radiotherapy sessions, so she is freed from having to go to the hospital on a daily basis to finish the treatment. To which is added that the results of both formulas are similar, “since there are data that support this new treatment.”

In the case of external radiotherapy there are different fractionation schemes, there are people who require sessions for 25 days, another 15 days and some treatments are already being done in 5 days, as explained by the head of Oncology at Arrixaca.

Dr. Enrique Cárdenas points out that the benefit for the patient is also to save travel, since in Arrixaca women with breast cancer who come from more remote areas, such as Yecla or Puerto Lumbreras, are treated and that they have to be done 200 kilometers every day to receive treatment for the disease.

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