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L1mburg Central – October 21, 2020

Workload in nursing homes remains high, food bank shelves are empty, the separate corona departments of MUMC + are busy and more Limburg news

L1mburg Central from Wednesday 21 October 2020:

With the following topics:

Work pressure in nursing homes remains high

A visitor ban, elderly people gathering together and staff who bravely continued to offer help against the rocks for a long time without masks. That is the image of the Limburg nursing homes during the first corona wave. We are now in the second wave and the situation may be better, you would think. But that hardly applies to the staff. The workload is still as high as it was during the first corona wave, according to research by, among others, Maastricht University. At the table Jan Hamers, professor of elderly care.

View the entire report here

Busy in the separate corona departments of the MUMC +

Hospitals in Limburg are gradually scaling up the reception of Covid patients. In the MUMC + in Maastricht, for example, a second corona department was opened this week. This brings the number of beds there for Covid patients to 41. At the moment, 30 beds are occupied, mainly by patients from the west of the country. The number of Limburg patients is not too bad.

View the entire report here

The food bank shelves are empty

Food banks are not doing well. The shelves are empty. Normally, a lot of food comes from supermarkets, things that are almost expired, for example. But those supermarkets are also increasingly aware of their products in the fight against food waste. So less is left for the food bank.

View the entire report here

Toverland stops with Halloween Nights

Toverland has canceled Halloween Nights after all for fear of image damage. The amusement park in Sevenum was in the national news as a result of criticism from a virologist. He said that these types of events are a risk, given the possible spread of the corona virus. The management of Toverland maintains that the horror evenings were safe.

View the entire report here

Maastricht has a Lego workshop

Since the special Lego talent show that was shown on TV in recent months, the enthusiasm for the colored bricks has only increased. Handy in this time of corona, when people have to sit at home and therefore have extra time for their hobby. In Maastricht there is now a special Lego construction site where young and old can build to their heart’s content.

View the entire report here

Orange Lionesses are preparing in Zeist

The Dutch women’s football team is preparing for the European Championship qualifying match against Estonia on Friday. The Orange only needs three more points to qualify for the European Championship next year in England. In Zeist, the Netherlands, with three Limburgers in the selection, is preparing for the decisive game.

View the entire report here

Presentation: Wouter Nelissen

L1mburg Central

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