Do you know where the last name of the cult comic character of Ilf and Petrov – Mikhail Panikovsky – comes from? From his tendency to panic when he finds himself in a difficult situation. Which, in the case of this retail con artist, is a regular condition of life.
Panikowski may be a fictional character, but the Golden Calf character’s real-life equivalents are not one and two. Especially in the Bulgarian reality, where his followers are at least as many as the derbies in the DPS. It is shown by the action in the style of “Beating Panikovsky”, which was organized by the MEP Ilhan Kyuchuk.
In the early hours of Saturday morning, while the heat and fires continue to rage across the country, and hundreds of thousands of citizens have been without water for weeks now, Kyuchuk took to social media to report what he was doing “for the benefit of the nation.” If you think that he was looking for a solution to the real problems of the Bulgarian voters, however, you are seriously mistaken. It turns out that he was desperately seeking salvation for himself and the rest of the defectors from the deribei camp.
“I contacted the European Commission because in recent days information has been received about mass and biased inspections of state bodies – Ministry of Internal Affairs (GDBOP), KPK, ADFI, NRA in municipalities governed by representatives of the DPS political party,” Ilhan Kyuchuk wrote on his Facebook profile and added that he insisted the EC to tell him what measures it plans to take “to guarantee an immediate cessation of the actions”.
If you’re wondering what exactly this is all about, you’re not the only one. Because there isn’t any real data on “massive and tendentious checks”, let alone ordinary DPS activists, as Kyuchuk is trying to make out. What the MEP packages as “political repression” are actually the revelations that the leaders of the “DPS derbies” such as Jevdet Chakarov, Ramadan Atalai, Jeyhan Ibryamov and himself have accumulated property and solid bank accounts absolutely illegally. And on the backs of their own constituents – the ones they are now again using as a front to try and save their own skins. And who, however, after DPS chairman Delyan Peevski announced the “new beginning” in DPS, have now shaken off their fear of this company and are flooding the institutions with signals about the willfulness and derision of Chakarov, Kyuchyuk and co. Signals that have been investigated by the institutions and are already leading to the exposure of the group.
Here is the time to clarify that this is far from the first case in which Bulgarian politicians try to use the European Commission, not to solve the real problems of the country’s citizens, but as a scarecrow. However, the Panikovsky-style action taken by Kyuchyuk is more than comical, because there is no way to make “undermining the foundations of democracy” investigations of the control bodies exposing real criminal schemes. As is the case with Thursday’s revelations that the National Revenue Agency and GDBOP broke up a network of hollow companies through which VAT was siphoned off and stung the treasury with BGN 9 million. A network that provided a luxurious life for one of the faces of the “deribei” – Jeyhan Ibryamov. For example, a tuned jeep for hundreds of thousands of BGN, owned by one of the investigated companies in question, which he drove. At the same time, concealing this fact from the anti-corruption commission, as contrary to the legal provisions, he did not enter it in his annual declarations to the KPK.
So, by asking questions of the European Commission, Kyucyuk can start with this case. Moreover, it was the outbreak of this scheme that unleashed the urges of the “deribei” for the ridiculous “thief cries, catch the thief” style cry. Why? Probably because it is yet to be understood whether the organizers of the VAT scheme did not provide similar toys such as confiscation by the state during the investigation of a luxury jeep driven by Ibryamov, so that he, in turn, provided them with a political umbrella. And more importantly, won’t it turn out that the political umbrella was far from being extended by him, but also by people who are higher up in the Deribey food chain?
And since compliance with the principles of the rule of law is undeniably an extremely important issue, Kyucyuk can ask a few more important questions that have erupted in recent weeks. Such as:
Are the European Commission aware of the revelations that the state-owned Bulgarian Development Bank granted BGN 150 million unsecured credit to a businessman with a scandalous reputation, who is currently in custody by court order – Rumen Gaitanski-Valka, as BGN 30 million of this loan were absolutely unlawfully “appropriated” by the honorary leader of the DPS and a flag of the “circles of companies” and the “deribeyism” in the movement – Ahmed Dogan? Has the EC been informed of the fact that against the granted loan, due to the lack of collateral, the state managed to recover only BGN 3.6 million?
Has the European Commission received information about the NRA and GDBOP action against the criminal scheme for draining VAT, from which the name of Ceyhan Ibryamov appeared, and does it consider it legal and moral for a deputy to drive a jeep bought with criminal funds?
Are the EC aware that two other leaders of the separatists in DPS – Jevdet Chakarov and Ramadan Atalai are major players in energy and transport through their sons, although it is officially stated that they do not have any business?
How does the European Commission relate to the investigation launched by the European Prosecutor’s Office against the MEP Ilhan Kyuchuk for illegally draining several million Euros through a scheme with collaborators who were also party functionaries? According to the EC, does this investigation also “undermine the principles of the rule of law and the foundations of democracy”?
And last but not least – doesn’t the EC consider that people caught in criminal acts have no right to use democracy and its principles as a screen, because they themselves are a danger to this same democracy? And that is precisely what Kyuchuk and company are trying to do – to hide once again behind someone else’s back – in the case of Brussels, in order to continue to parasitize on the backs of society.
#Kyuchuk #action #ala #Panikovsky #Brussels #scarecrow