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Kyrie Irving Blames Mayor and Reflects on Controversial Career as Nets Player

Kyrie Irving He says what he thinks, without filters, which has caused him quite a few problems throughout his career.

On his return to Brooklyn last night, a fan sitting in the front row and impressed by the level shown by Irving, 36 points, He asked the point guard a question, receiving a very direct answer.

-Kyrie, why didn’t you play like that when you were in the Nets? – asked the fan.

“Thank Mayor Adams for that, brother,” ’11’ answered.

Irving shot the mayor of New York, Eric Adams, due to the law that he promoted during the pandemic to force everyone who attended closed public events in the city to be vaccinated.

The rule made the point guard, who refused to be vaccinated against covid-19, could not play any home games with the Nets in the 2021-2022 season until March, when he benefited from the exemption that Adams decided to apply with athletes. In some way, Irving blamed the mayor for his lack of continuity that campaign, in which he only contested 29 meetings.

Even though Kyrie Irving could play away games, Brooklyn decided to suspend him that season before the start until he was vaccinated, which never happened.

In the end, pressed by their situation in the classification, the Nets allowed Irving to play again even though he was not immunized and the point guard made his debut that year in January 2022.

That was not the only time in which the New York franchise had to remove the All Star from the team, since in November 2022 it suspended the star for promoting an anti-Semitic film on Twitter.

The ’11’ spoke about how he wants to be remembered in Brooklyn, where he spent four years between 2019 and 2023 with Kevin Durant and also James Harden a year before asking to be traded and ending up with the Mavericks.

“Honestly, I don’t care because it’s subjective. Everyone has their own opinion. Of course, I’m just going to let it go. Hopefully in the next few years it will be forgotten,” said Kyrie Irving, always sincere.

2024-02-07 04:42:53
#Irving #messes #attacking #mayor #York #Covid19 #vaccine

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