He broke the agreement and preferred to leave the page blank, notes the newspaper, which did just that with a scathing sketch in place of the text
Today’s EFSYN hosts at front page of “hit” referred to in capital letters in “article by the prime minister and president of the ND Kyriakos Mitsotakis in “EFSYN”” which refers to page 13.
However, on the page where the reader would expect to find the text of K. Mitsotakis, there is a gap! Instead of an article, it is stated that “On this page, the article that we had requested and that the prime minister and president of the ND Kyriakos Mitsotakis had agreed to give us before the elections would be published. Except he broke the deal. In other words, he preferred to leave the page… blank!”.
The page supplemented by a sketch by Michalis Kountouris depicting a cash register in the shape of a ballot box with the inscription: “After removing from the cash register no mistake is recognized”…