Home » today » Entertainment » Kylie Jenner receives criticism for using her plane for 17-minute trips

Kylie Jenner receives criticism for using her plane for 17-minute trips

The Kardashian family is one of the more exposed to public opinion of the present moment, so it is not uncommon for each of his movements to be criticized or praised (it doesn’t matter what it is, there are always conflicting opinions) by millions of people. It is what It has happened to Kylie Jenner, the youngest of the family and one of the most popular thanks to its beauty products business, which is being harshly criticized on the internet. The creator of Kylie Cosmetics has a private plane and she is not afraid to use it, to the point that uses it for flights that only last a few minutes. Using an application that checks the flights that cross the airspace of each country, a follower published that Kim Kardashian’s younger sister used her jet to travel between Camarillo and Van Nuystwo areas of California that are separated by about 60 kilometers by highway.

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In total, Kylie would have made up to 5 flights of less than 30 minutes in a single week, which gave rise to much criticism from her followers. Generation Z is much more aware of the seriousness of climate change and takes the necessary precautions to reduce its own consumption and carbon footprint, which is why this kind of information is especially controversial. Furthermore, many pointed the imbalance between a middle-class person who takes a plane once a year and someone like Kris Jenner’s youngest daughterwhich in one week far exceeds the pollution produced by the first.

kylie jenner y travis scottSEE GALLERY

Both Kylie, 24, and her partner, Travis Scott (31), have a private plane and just a week ago they were publishing a photograph in which both were seen. “Do you want to take mine or yours?”, wrote the businesswoman next to the snapshot. In response, the comments were divided between those who wondered why they recycle and those who considered it “goals” (life goals) to achieve such an achievement. Of course, the entrepreneurial millionaire have not spoken about the controversy and has continued to promote its products as normal.

kylie jenner on her private jetSEE GALLERY

his mother is worried

According to what the media have published since then, Kris Jenner has intervened but not because of climate change, but because she is “concerned about extravagant spending” by her daughter. “Kylie has been spending so much that after she bought her jet, her mom had to tell her to slow down,” a source close to Kylie said. The Post. But Kendall’s sister, Khloé, Kourtney and Kim he has always been very clever with money and became the richest in the family before she turned 25. In 2019, when she was 21, Forbes named her the youngest billionaire to create her own empire, but only a few months later they retracted and accused the family of cheating with the numbers they had delivered. Apparently, Kylie Jenner’s fortune would be close to 900 million euros, but it would not even reach that figure and his business would not be as lucrative as Kris has led you to believe. In 2021, her older sister Kim took the throne of the Kardashians and exceeded the US billion, that is, one billion euros, through her two businesses, leaving behind the little one of the family.

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Click to see the documentary about The Kardashians, where we discover in depth the beauty, exercise and work routines of the most televised family of the moment. You can see more on the new video platform HELLO! PLAY, where you will find programs on cooking, fashion, decoration and biographical documentaries of ‘royals’ and ‘celebrities’. Do not miss it!

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