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Kyle Rittenhouse visited Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago, according to former president | Univision Politics News

Former President Donald Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that he had hosted Kyle Rittenhouse this week at his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago.

The interview aired late Tuesday, but Hannity said it was recorded on Monday. In the conversation Trump mentions that Rittenhouse had left his resort “a while ago.” The network showed a photo of the two, posing together.

“He came with his mother. Really a nice young man … That was misconduct by the prosecution. He shouldn’t have had to suffer a trial for that. They were going to kill him,” Trump said on the show, reaffirming the same position that argued when he was president.

But despite the politicization of the case, not only Trump has openly defended the verdictSo has Joe Biden, although with a different nuance. While the former president has praised Rittenhouse, calling him an example for the right to self-defense, the current president has supported the decision to release him because it was the jury’s decision and the jury system “works.”

“I stand by what the jury has concluded,” Biden told reporters after the verdict last Friday. “The jury system works and we have to respect it.” He then acknowledged that the verdict “will make many Americans angry and worried, myself included,” but he was adamant that “the jury has spoken.”

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial

For more than 25 hours, a 12-member jury deliberated on the Kyle Rittenhouse case, which attracted the attention of the press throughout the country, as an emblem of the polarization that American society lives today.

More than 30 witnesses testified at the trial, which lasted two weeks, and videos of the night the events occurred were shown during a protest over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man.

The parents of Anthony Huber, one of the men killed by the Rittenhouse shootings, reacted to the acquittal by stating that the verdict “sends an unacceptable message that armed civilians can show up in any city, incite violence and then use danger. that they have created to justify shooting people in the street. “


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