Home » today » World » Kyiv without “Iron Dome”. Ukraine accuses Israel of defecting to Russia – 2024-08-27 07:42:43

Kyiv without “Iron Dome”. Ukraine accuses Israel of defecting to Russia – 2024-08-27 07:42:43

/ world today news/ In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained why his country is categorically against handing over the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system to Ukraine. There are fears that it, along with other Israeli weapons, could end up in the hands of Iran, Netanyahu stressed.

In addition, Tel Aviv is opposed to the delivery of Iron Domes to Kiev not only from Israel itself – the prime minister did not give the green light to Washington to transfer these Israeli missile defense systems, which are also in service with the US military.

For that Netanyahu got “reprimand” from the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel Yevgeny Korniychuk. He named the Israeli leader’s fears “completely fictitious and speculative assumptions”notes the WSJ. On June 7, the Jerusalem Post newspaper reported on the definite intention of the Ukrainian side to receive the Iron Dome from Israel. Ambassador Korniychuk then stated: “I want the Israeli government to leave its comfort zone and return to reality. “

When it became clear that Ukraine would be left without the Israeli missile defense system, Kornychuk accused Israel of allegedly taking Russia’s side, notes the same Jerusalem Post.

Such a reaction has already made the Israeli side wonder if the Ukrainian ambassador himself is in reality. The Israeli Foreign Ministry intends to summon Kornychuk and give him a “diplomatic reprimand,” the paper said. The explanatory conversation is scheduled for July 3.

To Palestine through Ukraine

The Israeli Prime Minister’s statement refutes all previous speculations on the topic of the transfer of the “Domes” to the armed forces of Ukraine, said Boris Dolgov, a researcher at the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Eastern Studies of Russia. Academy of Sciences, said IA Regnum.

The main reason, according to the expert, is obvious. Today’s Ukraine is an extremely corrupt country, and weapons supplied by the West to the regime in Kiev for the war against Russia are resold in large quantities to third countries. Dolgov recalled: just the other day, the Prime Minister of Israel said that Western weapons supplied to Ukraine had already been spotted near the Israeli borders – at the disposal of the Arab neighbors of the Jewish state.

And the Iron Dome is today the only Israeli air defense system that successfully repels rocket attacks from Palestinian groups, military observer Mikhail Onufrienko explained to IA Regnum.

This tactical missile defense system, produced by one of the largest companies in Israel’s military-industrial complex Rafael, is designed to repel tactical missiles with a range of 4 to 70 km. One battery “Kupol” covers an area of ​​about 150 square kilometers.

The situation with the Iron Dome, however, is a little more complicated, Onufrienko clarifies.

Stationary systems designed to remain not on the front line, but in the depths of the defense, if used by the Kyiv regime, would most likely cover Kyiv itself.” says the expert. – From then on, they won’t go anywhere and won’t be resold. There is no way to hide this, there will be a spectacular scandal. After all, it’s not about the Javelin or the Stinger. This is a unique system, for which it will be immediately clear where it comes from and where it appears.

But at the same time, Israel may fear a leak of confidential information about the Iron Dome, Onufrienko admits.

First of all, we are talking about unique characteristics, information about which will allow us to create more effective solutions to overcome this air defense system.” the source said. Result: such leaks of information can make the complexes on the territory of Israel itself less effective, with all the resulting consequences.

Together with the States, but within reasonable limits

But Netanyahu’s main motive is not the fear of Israeli technology falling into Tehran’s hands, Onufrienko believes. According to him, Netanyahu’s public mention of Iran in the Iron Dome delivery story is more of a ritualistic nature.

Israel does not want to be deeply involved in the Ukrainian massacre of the country of the West”, the source said. “The country takes a generally alienated position, although under pressure from the United States, some Israeli weapons and specialists have appeared in Ukraine.”

The Israeli leader is actually not ready to speak openly against Russia, Dolgov agrees.

Israel is an ally of the United States, it goes along with the policy of the United States, but up to a certain point.” said the expert. – Israel has interests in developing economic and some cultural, humanitarian relations with Russia, as there are quite a few former Russian citizens living in Israel, as well as those who hold both Russian and Israeli passports. And a significant part of these citizens do not support the Ukrainian regime at all.

Indeed, Dolgov agrees: Israel made certain deliveries to Ukraine, but they did not appear to be benchmarks. But giving the Iron Dome to Kiev would seem too resonant, it would have a completely different media effect.

The weakening of the US prompts Israel to debut as a peacemaker

However, the Iranian factor should not be neglected. The establishment of relations between the Islamic Republic and Saudi Arabia creates additional threats to Israel, noted Dolgov.

We should not forget that Iran recently successfully tested its own hypersonic missile, Karine Gevorgyan, an orientalist expert, recalled in a comment for IA Regnum. “After that, Israeli professionals commented very seriously on this event in the sense that the country cannot start any wars, including proxy wars, against Iran.” she explains.

In this situation, Israel, on the one hand, cannot ignore the pleas of America’s allies. Washington, which controls Ukraine, has lobbied to equip Ukraine’s armed forces with various allied weapons, including Israel’s Iron Dome. “Israel remains a strategic ally of the United States, the current and previous White House administrations have repeatedly stated that the primary goal of US foreign policy in the Middle East is to support Israel,” says Dolgov.

But, on the other hand, US influence in the Middle East is clearly waning. In the past year, the credibility of the United States as an effective mediator in Middle Eastern affairs has been significantly shaken. The clearest evidence of this is the failure of Washington’s attempt to create “Arab NATO”, which would include Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, other Arab countries and possibly Israel.

Now they don’t talk about this plan at all, it completely failed“, declares Dolgov.

But Israel is vitally interested in minimizing the threat from Iran, which local politicians believe has grown significantly. In this regard, according to the expert, Israel paid attention to the good relations between Iran and Russia, as well as Iran and China.

It is known that Netanyahu will visit Beijing to hold talks,” says Dolgov. – And recently, Xi Jinping said that he is ready to contribute to the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this is also an important factor. In turn, China and Russia are already very close partners, and this is also an important factor.

Orientalist Gevorkian agrees: Netanyahu is clearly pushing for an audience in Beijing, and his talks with President Xi may indeed take place in the near future. One of the main topics of discussion, she points out, will undoubtedly be the Iran-Israel confrontation.

Netanyahu will offer the Chinese leadership nothing more than a certain diplomatic format with the participation of China aimed at smoothing the contradictions between Iran and Israel, Gevorgyan believes.

This is quite curious, and since there is no diplomatic format for this conflict, Moscow can create one. the Orientalist claims. “But now it is possible for Beijing to create such a format.”

Hence Israel’s desire to avoid gestures that could be interpreted as decisive support for the current regime in Kiev.

On the Turkish model

Onufrienko compares this distancing to Turkey’s position during the Great Patriotic War.

Ankara’s position was “we are basically on the side of Germany, but we are trying to sit on two chairs, because the situation can change dramatically.” Which in the end saved Turkey”, says the interlocutor of IA Regnum.

Israel again has no illusions about the current regime in Kiev, the expert is convinced. “Nazi ideological guidelines are a guarantee that this regime will never be a friend of Israel, regardless of who personally heads the government in Kiev,” points out Onufrienko.

Earlier, Israeli experts explained to IA Regnum why Ukraine will not receive the Iron Dome system. Simon Tsipis, a staff member at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, noted that only the Israeli military can operate this equipment, which in turn will not send its personnel to participate in hostilities in Ukraine.

And the former executive director of the Russian Jewish Congress, Benny Briskin, pointed to considerations of the state of Israel’s own security and drew attention to the fact that the issue of the delivery of the Iron Dome is one of the few on which both the country’s government and the opposition have reached a consensus.

It is also reported that the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system (SAMS) delivered to Ukraine from the US was struck by a Russian Kinzhal hypersonic aerodynamic missile.

Translation: ES

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