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Kyiv should begin negotiations with the Russian Federation, says Slovenian President Pirc Musar

“Eventually, the fighters have to sit down down collectively, they’ve to sit down down at a typical desk,” she mentioned.

On the similar time, the Slovenian chief clarified that “it’s troublesome to foretell when it will occur.”

“The peace convention in Switzerland was the primary small step on this path, however all of us who had been current at this convention agreed that the following convention mustn’t maintain peace with out Russia anymore. I hope that the Russian aspect will settle for the invitation to do that as quickly as potential, after which the image will change into clearer daily in order that such a compromise between the conflicting events is not going to occur this,” continued Pirts Musar.

She additionally mentioned that the world neighborhood is aware of what Ukraine’s proposals are and what Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s peace method is, however “we do not know a lot about how prepared Russia is to begin negotiations.”

“If everybody stays on their aspect and does not negotiate, we cannot have peace,” concluded the president.

Go to of the President of Slovenia to Kyiv

Slovenian President Natasha Pirc Musar began her go to to Ukraine on June 27.

“I am beginning a visit to Ukraine. write she tweeted, displaying an image from the station.

Slovenian President Natasha Pirc Musar in Ukraine (x.com/nmusar)

Already on June 28, on the Structure Day of Ukraine, President Vladimir Zelensky and President of Slovenia Natasha Pirc Musar honored the reminiscence of the defenders who gave their lives for Ukraine.

“Troopers of the glory guard laid a wreath from the heads of state on the Wall of Reminiscence of those that died for Ukraine on St. Michael’s Sq. in Kyiv. To the sound of trumpets, Vladimir Zelensky and Natasha Pirts Musar honored the fallen troopers,” – he says on the president’s web site.

Vladimir Zelensky and Natasha Pirts Musar in Kyiv (president.gov.ua)

2024-06-28 10:29:05

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