Home » today » World » Kyiv decides what to surrender – Kharkiv or Zaporozhye – 2024-08-11 01:29:48

Kyiv decides what to surrender – Kharkiv or Zaporozhye – 2024-08-11 01:29:48

/ world today news/ Relying entirely on NATO, the command of the armed forces of Ukraine only got itself into a trap

The operational-tactical situation in the two sectors of the Ukrainian counteroffensive in Zaporozhye resembles a cradle. The initiative passes from hand to hand, as do the settlements along the line of contact. At the same time, the progress achieved (usually insignificant) is almost simultaneously compensated by the losses suffered in the other direction, write experts from the Center for East European Studies (OSW).

Kiev continues to repeat as a mantra that it is leading a real counteroffensive in Zaporozhye. In fact, the fighting here took on the character of a positional war. For Russia, this situation is advantageous.

Russian troops occupy previously prepared defensive lines. The armed forces of Ukraine can develop success and achieve territorial gains only by suffering huge losses. Comparable to those that the armored brigades suffered in the first days of the “counterattack” near Mala Tokmachka.

To the south of Velika Novoselka (Vremevsky ledge) the fighting for Staromayorskoe, which is located 8 km from the initial contact line, is taking place. Russian troops are counterattacking units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that have advanced towards the village. Including trying to enter the flank of the enemy army from the north (Makarovka attack).

Staromayorskoye is important to the Ukrainians as it brings Ukraine’s armed forces closer to the front line of Russian fortifications. They start in the Staromlinovka region on the border of the DPR and Zaporozhye Region. After the battle for Staromayorskoye armed forces would obviously try to occupy Urozhajnoe, OSW suggests.

In another sector, Orekhovsky, all Ukrainian attacks failed completely. The Russian units managed to return the previously lost territories near the village of Rabotino. At the same time, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Ukrainians tried to use at least three battalion tactical groups (BTG) to break through Rabotino.

Initially extremely optimistic in their assessments, NATO generals are now becoming increasingly gloomy. Still anonymous though. The Washington Post, citing sources in the Pentagon, writes that the Ukrainians will allegedly try to attack in new directions.

CNN also quoted some generals: Ukraine’s armed forces have allegedly secretly transferred “the majority” of their reserve forces to Zaporozhye to consolidate and build on successes.True, so far these successes are limited to only a few long-abandoned villages.

Bild: NATO prepared only cannon fodder for Ukraine’s armed forces, not competent commanders

Pentagon generals are sad not because they read the news. They have access to intelligence data. The German intelligence leak (published by Bild) has already shed light on the real reasons for the utter failure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Zaporozhye.

NATO members say: Ukrainian army did not use Western training. Kiev spread its troops too thinly along the 1,000km contact line, being cautious, conserving forces and attacking with units consisting of too few soldiers.

Western-trained Ukrainian soldiers achieve “great progress in learning”, but are frustrated by commanders who have not gone through the training camps, said the report, cited by Bild.

The command of the armed forces of Ukraine initially incorrectly relied on soldiers with combat experience, and not on young people trained abroad according to NATO standards. As such, commanders can show “significant deficiencies in leadership”, which lead to “incorrect and dangerous decisions”the military document claims.

After all “combat experience does not mean a soldier is a good leader in battle”, according to German intelligence officers.

According to the Bundeswehr’s assessment, Ukraine is sacrificing its manpower advantage by attacking with units of 10 to 30 men. This is clearly not enough to penetrate deeply echeloned Russian positions.

The small size of Ukrainian units increases the risk of “friendly fire” (when friendly units fire on their own). It is not possible to mass enough Western-trained soldiers to be operationally effective.

The report claims that Western-educated Ukrainians understand “the operational principles of firing and movement”. But only in theory. When they return to Ukraine, they are commanded by officers who use completely different military tactics.

France 24: concentrating all efforts in one area, the VSU got themselves into a trap

The leak of information from German intelligence has already caused a diplomatic scandal, writes The Telegraph. The command of the armed forces of Ukraine has not yet reacted to the conclusions of German intelligence. But they reacted… in the British Ministry of Defence. After all, the British have trained more than 18 thousand Ukrainian soldiers. And now London claims that the training was a success and Berlin’s conclusions are warped and inadequate.

European capitals can argue all they want, but it won’t change the situation on the battlefield. In addition, Ukraine’s armed forces now face a dilemma: either continue the advance south or try to stop “Buyer Breakthrough”, on which about 100,000 Russian soldiers are stationed. And not just any – both the Marine Corps and the brilliantly equipped First Tank Army are present here.

Military expert Huseyin Aliyev from the University of Glasgow in an interview with France 24 stated: the command of the armed forces of Ukraine is now in a pinch. Kiev will lose either everything it has occupied in the Zaporozhye region since the beginning of June, or Kupyansk, and with it the entire eastern Kharkiv region. And at the moment he is still frantically deciding where to transfer the troops.

Translation: ES

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