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KV 60s and other old stories –

/ world today news/ Several poetic states of the historian Plamen Pavlov

Prof. Dr. Plamen Pavlov was born on July 12, 1958. He graduated in history from the VTU “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”, and since 1984 he has been a teacher at the same university on the history of Byzantium and the Balkan states during the period 4th – 15th century. He is a screenwriter and consultant for a number of documentaries dedicated to the Bulgarian past and the fate of Bulgarians abroad. He is the author or co-author of more than 250 articles, studies, books, textbooks, encyclopedias, journalism, among which: “Who’s Who in Medieval Bulgaria” (1994, 1999, 2012, in collective), “Chronological Encyclopedia of the World, vol. VI (1995, in collective), “The Bulgarians and the Ottoman Conquest (1995, in collective), “Called to Beg”, (1999, in collective), “The World after Jesus” (1999), “Saints and Spiritual Leaders from Macedonia” (Toronto, 2004), “Tarnov saints and miracle workers”, (2006), “Bulgaria – the cradle of European civilization”, (2007, ed. and in English, Russian, German and French), “The Bulgarian writing – a European phenomenon” (2008, in collective, ed. and in English, Russian and French), “The Bulgarian Middle Ages: known and unknown”, (2008), “100 things we should know about history of Bulgaria” (2008), Macedonia – Bulgarian Land (2009, in a collective), “Bulgarian Saints” (2010, in a collective), “Forgotten and Misunderstood” (2010, Events and Persons from the Bulgarian Middle Ages), “Byzantium and the Byzantine World ” (2011, in collective) and others.

He has also published two collections of poems “In the Darkness of Foreboding” (2001), “Black Thoughts, White Magic” (2010).

This is what Raina Mandjukova writes about his book of “magic”: “Once this book is in your hands, then you are ready for a magical journey, on which we invite you with its author. Plamen Pavlov was born on Saturday, and the people say that “Saturday people” know magic. But his spells are white, though his thoughts are sometimes black…

There’s one more thing you should know. Plamen Pavlov is a “cancer”, and cancer is known to be secretive. So “Black thoughts, white magic” is not an easy revelation for him. And for all of us – an extraordinary opportunity to share the inseparable moments when he is alone with himself – in the magical reality of that flooded seashore, the mysterious smile of a girl, among all those things that are simply called love… It’s also permission to share with him the burdens and cares of this life where we sometimes forget the essentials, get lost in the middle of the day, and want to feed the cats in the parking lot to escape the monsters inside us… Like and an unsettling reminder, for at least six seconds, to sit on some ancient stone, to listen to the angelic chords of insanity and the rumble of impending catastrophes…

Such is the world of black thoughts and white magic of Plamen Pavlov

Did I manage to lure you in? Let’s go then…

But yes, I almost forgot… You’re not seasick, are you? Because we will travel by ship. Even with a few. We are sailing on a chalky, orange ocean. With that other one, the rusty one, in the middle of the desert, it must be a bit scary… But maybe you’ll be the lucky one to finally catch a glimpse

the Admiral’s caravel


a bottomless faith

in new ways

And whether you will find these paths, whether at the end of this journey you will feel desperate or hopeful, reconciled or determined, crushed or inspired – I don’t know…

I’m just giving you the direction…

You choose the path yourself.

KV 60-a


Although clumsy and tortured

let me tell you one


for the female pharaoh

the great ruler

the female god

in the posture of a man

with the armor of a warrior

woman with artificial beard

of a king

a woman with a divine face and body

“There is no greater beauty than this

to glimpse her!”

exclaims some ancient flatterer…

“Beautiful beautiful beautiful!”

(… old fat and flabby

with big saggy breasts…)


The female pharaoh

Daughter of the Sun

Maatkara Henemetamon Hatshepsut

preceded by some si

three or four thousand years

queen elizabeth

Catherine the Great

Maria Theresa

Indira Gandhi

Margaret Thatcher

Angela Merkel

Dilma Rusev

and other powerful women

on this planet.


And my chaotic retelling

(see “National Geographic”

its April 2009 issue)

in the words of Dr. Zahi Hawass

(the Egyptian Indiana Jones

head of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities

under Hosni Mubarak’s regime)

for The Mummy in a Tomb

KV 60th

in short:

“…There was something unusual

in her fingers…

…Otherwise in every other respect

she had lost that


characteristic of the female body…

…Her eye sockets –

filled with pitch-black resin…

…Her nostrils are obscenely stuffed

thick rolls of fabric…


the extraordinary woman

the ruler of Egypt

from 1479 to 1458 BC…

…It was so hard for me somehow

to connect

the thing in front of me

with the great ruler…”


The thing…

The great ruler

daughter of the god Amon


the country to its prime

never been


the builder of majestic temples

the inspiration

of artists poets and seafarers

of the unique reliefs from Deir el-Bahri

the magnificent Karnak

of the expedition to the country of Punt

great with her will and plans

with his deeds

great in everything

big big big…


The mummy with a label

KV 60-a

thrown away

thirty-five centuries ago

on the floor

of a small tomb

The great ruler

the female pharaoh

condemned to oblivion

thrown away

with anger and disgust

from her royal sarcophagus

deprived of the sacred insignia

beautiful ornaments

and so on…

The gold scraped with a knife

the statues defaced

her name erased

and others

others others others

obscene profanity

three thousand five hundred years ago.

What is the price of recognition

black ingratitude

the theft of foreign affairs works history


(… we have gone no further, Hatshepsut –

if it’s any consolation, Queen,

to know it’s the same today…)


The mummy with a label

KV 60th

discovered by accident

then forgotten

devoid of identity

pathetic packaging

of a glamorous life

of one soul

great and boundless

this body

caused so much excitement


this pitiful and ugly


(…. and these fingers – the only ones

kept the grace…)

The label thing

KV 60th

taken to Cairo


among the dust in some storage room


and after tens of years

(absolutely nothing against the background of the past

three thousand five hundred!)

recognized by DNA in one molar

in a chest with the sign

on Hatshepsut…

And to make the absurdity complete

that tooth caused her death!

And to make it even more absurd

absurdity itself

the diseased tooth saved her from torment

of the one eating away at her cells



The tooth

brought death

after thirty-five centuries

carries glory

top of the news

“National Geographic”


and so on

crowds of people…

Big big big

like death

like immortality

like life itself.


She sneaks in

with wolf steps

with cosmic fury

in the fiery eyes

wild pain in her little ones

killed by man

hunger hunger wolf hunger…

Here in this forest

kicking helplessly with their feet

maddened with hunger

blue from crying

two small human wolves



just food


She nursed them

then he was born

an Eternal City


a whole world

I’m sitting on some ancient stone

I’m looking at an old postcard

and I think

about the fury about hunger

about overcoming instinct

on a predator

for the motherly feeling

for humanism


of a she-wolf!

It just remains life

one whole remains


And then someone important explains




we approached the mound

I didn’t feel anything


expected release

from fits of despair

and malice

to the indifference of the soulless

to the soullessness of the indifferent…


I didn’t feel it in me

to awaken no romance

here are some 7th, 8th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st centuries,

I was not impressed by the speeches

the terrible sun

heated to white sand


there someone somewhere

outside and among the human anthill

was holding breath not breathing


A handful of sand

a breeze in the branches

on that pine…

He was looking at me through the eye

of that bird

he had never died

was there

huge and invisible –

basically the obvious

is unnoticeable.


* On August 18, 2001, on the initiative of Bessarabian Bulgarians, a monument to the ancient Bulgarian ruler Kubrat was erected not far from the village of Mala Pereshchepina (Poltava region, Ukraine). The creator of “Old Great Bulgaria” was buried there in the middle of the 7th century.


This is confused ignorance


for a starving artist

supposed banking scion

and an even more improbable great-grandson

of Spinoza

genius after his death


crazy hypercritical maniac


obsessed with literature

so much

challenges hash hunger orgies

women paintings streets stunned policemen

Amedeo Clemente Modigliani

a hopeless romantic

in a deranged cannibal world

money and blood

blood and money

majestically built out of poverty


through the cobwebs and the dustpan

in the sky dungeon

of God.


In the womb of that

a huge monster – “Boeing – 747”,

a person is small

and powerful at the same time

in a casual way.

You dine, chat and kill

the weather

with a distant look

in the great bodies of flight attendants

and here it is for about nine hours

we fly over the path of Columbus…


how small is the earth

how strong the man was!

…and there is none


to glimpse the Admiral’s caravel,

that old rotting shell


a bottomless faith

in new ways.

#60s #stories

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