The summer season implies a lot of movement and crowding of people in one place, fortunately there are no serious epidemic outbreaks this summer, neither along the Black Sea nor in the interior of the country.
This was said by the chief state health inspector Assoc. Angel Kunchev on bTV.
According to Associate Professor Kunchev, the lack of epidemic outbreaks indicates a relatively good level of hygiene in public catering establishments, as well as a higher level of health culture of the people themselves.
Prof. Kunchev pointed out that the checks carried out by the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency are very serious and obviously this has an effect, but the most effective is the care we take for ourselves.
The health inspector also said that the water on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is clean. All the data we receive, and we examine all 68 beaches along our Black Sea coast twice a month, the results are more than good, said Prof. Kunchev. He added that more and more Bulgarian beaches are also winning the “Blue Flag”.
Prof. Kunchev warned that salmonellosis has been on the rise for two or three years in the country.
The characteristic here is that it concerns certain regions, in this case Varna, and affects an early childhood, the expert further explained.
The chief state health inspector also said that there is also an increase in the number of cases of COVID-19 not only in the country, but throughout Europe. The good thing is that it is relatively easy to fight, that is why people are not examined and do not fall into these statistics, pointed out the associate professor.
This season, the virus does not affect the general condition so much, the upper respiratory tract is affected, explained Prof. Kunchev. The symptoms, which the expert explained are characteristic of this strain, are watery eyes, sneezing, an irritating cough lasting two to three weeks, a runny nose, sore throat and loss of smell.
There are many summer viruses, only 10-15 types. There are many enteroviruses, especially in this period, but in most cases they pass in one or two days, and without special treatment, said Prof. Kunchev. We have to be more careful with small children, there dehydration happens much faster, the expert warned.
The rate of development of whooping cough has decreased significantly. Until the end of last week, we registered 2,300 cases in the country, but compared to the countries near us, our results are good, said Prof. Kunchev.
He warned people who go out into nature to beware of ticks, because they carry Lyme disease and there has been an increase in cases – twice as many as last year.
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