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Kuldīga’s Journey to UNESCO World Heritage List: A Historic Achievement Recognized Internationally

As the representatives of the local government of Kuldīga district note to the LETA agency, the road to UNESCO for Kuldīga has been a very large-scale process for more than 20 years, which has been realized with high added value – the creation of a heritage management system, scientific research and arrangement of cultural heritage sites, public education on heritage protection issues, as also the arrangement of building regulations. During this time, the restoration center of Kuldīga was also created and a support program was created to protect the historical building – all the work done created the prerequisites for the inclusion of the old town of Kuldīga in the World Heritage List.

State President Edgars Rinkēvičs emphasizes that the inclusion of the old town of Kuldīga in the UNESCO World Heritage List is an important international recognition for Latvia and Kuldīga. “UNESCO’s brand of excellence promotes recognition on a global scale, thus also the tourism potential. Although the charm of Kuldīga has always attracted visitors from near and far, I wish that this interest grows and brings tangible benefits to the local economy. I invite you to be aware of and use the opportunities that this international evaluation provides!”

The Minister of Culture Agnese Logina (P) states that “Latvia’s success in entering the name of Kuldīgas in the UNESCO World Heritage List would not have been possible without the selfless work of the people of Kuldīgas for more than 20 years.”

Kuldīga County Council Chairperson Inese Astaševska (“For Kuldīga County”) notes that since 1997, Kuldīga has moved towards the UNESCO World Heritage List. UNESCO is a quality mark that confirms – Kuldīga is marked on the world map as an important place of cultural heritage. “We have done a lot, so it is a great satisfaction that the old town of Kuldīga is as important on a world scale as the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, the Athenian Acropolis and other well-known places with universal value.”

On the other hand, the Secretary General of the Latvian National Commission of UNESCO, Baiba Moļnika, expresses her satisfaction with the interaction between the community and the architectural heritage, that is, Kuldīga is an example of how the architectural heritage interacts with the local community, which takes care of preserving this heritage, while at the same time creating new and lasting values.

Juris Dambis, head of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, explains that the evidence of Kuldīga’s ancient history and the high-quality layers of later times have world-class value. Thanks to the efforts of several generations of culture, local management and society, these values ​​have been preserved and create a quality living space with a special atmosphere. “The awarding of UNESCO World Heritage status is first a manifestation of value, followed by a responsibility for conservation.”

As reported, for 20 years, Kuldīga municipality worked to create prerequisites for the inclusion of the old town in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The 45th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee was initially planned to be held in Russia in 2022, but the full-scale war in Ukraine caused by Russia caused protests by the member states and it was achieved that the session takes place this year in Saudi Arabia.

UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee meets in annual sessions to discuss the management of existing World Heritage sites and to evaluate applications submitted by countries for the World Heritage List.

As indicated on the website of Kuldīga district, the upcoming meeting of the committee means that the more than twenty-year-long period is coming to an end, when Kuldīga, by carrying out research work, developing a management policy, involving the people of Kuldīga in the restoration process, created the prerequisites for the inclusion of the old town in the World Heritage list.

Kuldīga is the only city in the world that fully depicts the traditional architecture of the Baltic states, merging Latvian and German traditions. The particularly well-preserved city structure, the urban environment and the picturesque landscape of the river valley, created in the 13th to 18th centuries, are evidence of the traditional settlements in the region. Kuldīga provides information about the duchy’s cities, industries, crafts, traditions and people.

Preservation and protection of the world’s cultural and natural heritage is one of the most visible directions of UNESCO’s activities, which was started more than 50 years ago. The World Heritage List was created to provide an opportunity to preserve and protect natural and cultural objects important to humanity from ill-considered human actions and extreme conditions, including natural disasters and conflicts. To date, more than 1,100 cultural and natural objects around the world have been included in the UNESCO list.

Nominations for the World Heritage List are made by national governments, recommending the most unique and outstanding cultural and natural heritage values. Prior to listing, the site is evaluated by experts from around the world, paying detailed attention to authenticity and historical evidence. It is a brand of excellence that confirms – a place included in the World Heritage List is an important cultural and natural heritage site, the preservation of which is in the interest of all mankind.

In 1997, the historical center of Riga was included in the World Heritage List, evaluating its medieval and later urban structure, wooden architecture and excellent examples of Art Nouveau. In 2005, the list was supplemented by the excellent geodetic survey system “Strūves Geodetic Arc”, two points of which are also located in Jēkabpils and Sestukalnas.

2023-09-18 03:39:14
#town #Kuldīga #included #UNESCO #World #Heritage #List

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