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Kuba Wojewdzki will interview Ann Much. There were also allusions to their relationship

Kuba Wojewdzki he is more and more willing to cooperate with advertisers. There is no shortage of product placement on his Instagram. This time the presenter undertook cooperation with the alcohol brand and started the project on YouTube “Sztuka czenia”. The project is similar to the collaboration between Marcin Prokop and the regional brewery – “With those who know yourself”. In the premiere episode of Wojewdzki’s talk show, his names were Anna Mucha i Andrzej Grabowski. Former partners promoted the project extensively through social media. The interview is already published on the site and we checked what they talked about.

SEE IT: Anna Mucha uploads a recording with Kub Wojewdzki. There were also references to their accounts. “I saw you naked”

Kuba Wojewdzki on acting in an interview with Anna Much

The hosts started the conversation with the actress by asking about her activities on the Internet. He stated that Mucha portrayed the sex bomb in social media. The star admitted that Instagram is her field for free expression and creating reality.

I have never had a problem with my own body, nor with the joy that comes from it. But it’s more of an affirmation of life and acceptance, probably a kind of liberated, joyful feminism – said Anna Mucha.

In the next part of the conversation, Kuba mentions a conversation with Ania who was about to quit acting. It is worth noting that Mucha was still a child when she took her first steps in the world of film. At the age of only nine, she acted in Andrzej Wajda’s film “Korczak”. The actress admitted that she and the presenter met at a time when she did not want to pursue the profession of an actress.

This is a fickle and strange disappointment. The fact that we are sitting on this couch today is our happiness and privilege, the fact that in some sense we have succeeded – said the star.

Wojewdzki noticed that Mucha feels comfortable in show business. The celebrity said that she wanted to quit her job as an actor because she had seen how many misfortunes befall people in this profession. However, she felt she couldn’t give up acting when she appeared on the set of Idol. She mentioned that she and Kuba met there.

One day I found myself on the set, from the rest of the program you know, where I suddenly felt that everything that was happening, this media, this movie set, these cameras, is in a way my world.

Former lovers mentioned the beginning of their relationship. It was on the set of “Idol” that their story began.

You were the only person and it must be said very honestly, who did not take a job in this program … – said Kuba Wojewdzki.

But I took something else … – Anna Mucha replied with a smile.

Kuba Wojewdzki’s interview with Ann Much

The host of the program refers to the beginning of the actress’s career. She plays at the best, and in her filmography we can find such directors as: Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Zanussi, Jan Omnicki or Steven Spielberg. Now he is looking in vain for an actress in productions directed by artists of this type. Mucha admitted that at the beginning of her career she was simply lucky.

Wojewdzki reminds the former sex partner in Patryk Vega’s film “Pitbull. Nowe porzdki”. The actress admitted that the scene with Piotr Stramowski was not particularly successful.

I don’t remember him kissing. I don’t know how he kisses. I want to forget about it … – the star “M jak mio” admitted.

At some point, a private thread crept into the conversation again, and it was about a car ride.

You know Anka thinks he’s a better driver than I am? – Kuba Wojewdzki asked Andrzej Grabowski.

The actress claims there is evidence of this. The leaders quickly bite back, recalling the situation from years ago.

Do you remember who drove the red light to Trzech Krzyy Square? – reminds the leader.

But that was only once! – Mucha laughed.

Grabowski felt uncomfortable during this exchange and asked if he was to leave the studio. However, Mucha explained that she and Kuba had not seen each other for years, so they were catching up.

The leaders and his guests returned to the conversation about the films. Ania admitted that she has no qualms about acting in comedies or series. Thanks to this, he can earn and get paid.

I have a chance to fulfill myself and pay the bills for my fulfillment. Yes, I play in the largest and most popular series in this country, and on the other hand, I play in theatrical productions that are comedy, farce, commercial. They give me a chance to play this profession, and to contact the audience. This is the most important thing for me – she confessed.

At the end of the interview, Mucha admitted that she was a workaholic and was not ashamed to talk about it. During isolation, she was forced to stay at home and wanted to return to work as soon as possible.

SEE IT: Anna Mucha seeks isolation at home. He throws a recording with his son and shouts: I want to work! The video is commented by Kurdej-Satan

Obviously, (…) my profession affects my private life. But there is another question as to whether we are workaholics or not. Admit it, unfortunately: I am Anna and I am a workaholic, says the actress.

You can see that Anna Mucha and Kuba Wojewdzki still get on well! A journalist on Instagram has already announced that Agnieszka Dygant will be his next guest.

Watch the video
Anna Mucha comments on Wojewdzki’s book. “I haven’t read yet, but …”

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