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KSAD General Dudung Orders the Commander of the Military Command to Remove the Stingy Commander and Hurt TNI Soldiers

TNI AD Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman leads the funeral ceremony for Sertu Posthumously Rizal at the Heroes Cemetery (TMP) Cikutra, Bandung, Saturday (29/1/2022). (Source: Doc. Dispenad)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TVThe Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman ordered the regional military commanders (pangdam) to remove unit commanders who ignored the welfare of the soldiers.

“Take it off, replace him. Want to be great, how smart is he if he’s stingy to hurt soldiers, (that’s) a different story. Replace!” said General Dudung at the TNI AD Headquarters (Mabesad), Jakarta, Monday (7/2/2022).

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General Dudung conveyed that the welfare of soldiers must always be the priority of the regional commanders and unit commanders.

This includes military resort commanders or Danrem, battalion commanders or Danyon, and military district commanders or Dandim.

“I convey to all the commanders (regional military command) to check how the house (soldiers) looks like, his clothes,” said General Dudung.

“Because basically people who enter the army are definitely not rich people. Surely people don’t have one.”

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General Dudung explained his experience in finding that there are still TNI soldiers who are burdened with buying clothes.

At that time, not long after he was sworn in as Army Chief of Staff, General Dudung admitted that he immediately went around to a number of operational areas.

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