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Krzysztof Skiba defends his beloved, 26 years younger!- pudelek.pl



Krzysztof Skiba decided to refer in a peculiar way to the negative comments appearing in the media about the appearance of his 26-year-old beloved. “All of my February comedy tour ticket proceeds go towards a series of expensive plastic surgeries,” he sneered.

Krzysztof Skiba

lately he can’t complain about the lack of interest from the gossip press. The lead singer of the band

Big Cyc

some time ago he decided to part with his wife, with whom he had been married for 34 years, and became involved with a model 26 years his junior

Karolina Kempińska

. The musician stated in one of the interviews that the replacement of his current life companion was dictated, among other things, by the fact that Krzysztof needed a new … “muse”.

SEE: Hot Krzysztof Skiba and his 26-year-younger lover cooing in a tub during a snowstorm (PHOTOS)

Krzysztof Skiba boasts of his feelings for Karolina Kempińska, who is 26 years younger

I have a right to happiness.

Plus, I’m an artist and I need a muse, and this young woman makes me feel energized and alive and makes me feel like I’m 18 again!

– he told in an interview with “Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto”.

The rest of the article under the video

Famous couples with a big age difference

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Inspired and “younger” Krzysztof Skiba does not care about negative comments and from time to time he boasts in his social media with photos with his new beloved. Recently, the musician told his fans how he and Karolina take romantic baths in the jacuzzi and do not spare themselves tenderness among the bubbles.

The singer of Big Cyc also took the defense of her beloved against negative comments from Internet users as a point of honor.

In his latest Instagram post, he announced … “a great mobilization”.

Krzysztof Skiba defends Kempińska

On gossip portals there is a great mobilization of Internet users who did not like my partner Karolina. In thousands of entries, they expressed their disappointment that he physically did not meet their high expectations.

In the common opinion of experts on female beauty, Karolina has a big ass, clumsy legs, too big gums and a cut rib

he began.

Then Skiba “complained” that he also deviates from the ideal of Internet users. So he joked that he would donate the proceeds from the comedy tour to a series of plastic surgeries.

I hereby announce that all proceeds from my February comedy tour tickets will go towards a series of expensive plastic surgeries.

We will replace Karolina’s gums with porcelain ones, and I will treat myself to a large, colorful fin on my back.

Buy tickets and we will be a couple like from your dreams and wet dreams

he ironized.

Will you contribute to the metamorphosis of Skiba and his beloved?

SEE: This is how Krzysztof Skiba’s beloved, 26 years younger, looked like a DECADE AGO! (PHOTOS)

Source: pudelek.pl

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